Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 43 to 45 New Delhi 10th to 12th Aug 09

Paliarment House

Paharganj entrance

Woke up in the morning and headed to the Pakistan Embassy for our interview. Got a auto rickshaw at about 0900hrs got in and was on our way. When the rickshaw was making a turn near the parliament house the rickshaw came to a sudden halt… I hit my knees at the railings of the rickshaw so hard.. At first I thought we got hit by another rickshaw behind us.. When the driver got down and looked he didn’t have much reaction.. But me and Ramli felt that the rickshaw was very low and near to the ground. We got down and see what happen..

Oops the rickshaw hit a pot hole and the front wheel broke off.. Oh my… But still the driver did not make much fuss .. He just asked us for Rp50 and asked us to walk to the Embassy.. Hmmm we walked and I told Ramli if I did not remember wrongly the embassy is still very far away and now it is already about 0940hrs… We walk while looking out for another rickshaw.. About another 10mins a rickshaw came by and brought us to the Embassy. When we finally arrived there it was already 1015hrs.. We quickly walked over to the gate but was stopped by the guard to go back to the window no.5 to get a slip before we could get in. By than it is already 1030hrs, my heart was thumping as I am not sure if they will see us if we are late… Anyways walked over and guess what the counter is empty with no one there.. We waited 10mins and was assured by another officer tending window no.3 that the man is coming… the heat just make our temper grew… We waited about 30mins and finally the man came and gave us the slip we need. Went back to the gate, registered got in to the waiting room and waited our turn. Finally about 1135hrs it was Ramli’s turn to get in… He walked out and I waited for him to come back.. 5 mins passed and he walked in.. Whoa that was fast but he told me he have not went for the interview yet cause the power cut and the security guard said no light so please wait..

We waited and waited and waited and waited till 1325hrs.. Can you imagine that??? The power went out for 2 hours … I just want to kill myself … Ramli went in first and after 10mins he came back with a real frustrated look and said we have to come back again tomorrow cause we didn’t sign the form… I like what? He pointed to the room angrily and ask me to just go! So I went in and true enough the officer or do you call a “diplomat” said we have not taken the responsibility to sign the form and we have requested 90days visa which was too much unless we are going for a expedition blab la… I asked him to help but he say no.. please fill up the form again and come back tomorrow for the interview… I was like what the F*&^ cant I just sign the form there and than and he could approve it… Sigh …

Got out met Ramli and he was fuming !! Walked out and he was cursing and saying that he does not want to go to Pakistan anymore when I tried to reason with him that we couldn’t get into China unless we fly and even we fly they should not have direct flight into Urumqi, Xinjiang which was our next destination. He didn’t listen and I just let him try cool down under the 39 degree hot and humid sun…

Went back to the hotel and checked on the net for any flight available.. There was nearest to Chengdu or Xi’an but it costs about SGD1,000 min per ticket… When Ramli finally realize how much it costs and even we fly in we still need to make a long journey to Urumqi and make sure we will be on time to get into Kyrgystan before the visa expire on 5th Sept… After much thought for him, decided we will go tomorrow again to the embassy get our forms fill in again and try our chance for the interview at 1000hrs as he said he will be available from 1000hrs to 1100hrs only cause he had a conference… If we couldn’t meet him in the morning we have to come back again in the afternoon after 1300hrs.. So we hope for the bests …

Morning came we went out very early today… 0800hrs we were out, arrive at the embassy about 0830hrs waited for the window to open so we could get the visa form to have it fill up again.. Got all of it done by 0930hrs we were in the waiting room hoping to be able to meet the officer…while waiting I went thru the form again and realize the typist had made a wrong entry at the wrong question… alamak!!! Ramli was holding his head and starting to fume up… I told him to bring his for amendment and I hold mind just in case I am called so I can just go in first and try… so he went and about 1005hrs the guard ask to go in , Ramli ask me to go in first … Saying maybe the officer will be happy if he see my face first. Hmmm… Okay I went in and seems the officer is having a good day… Chatted with him about Singapore as he was planning for a trip to Singapore .. I started to chat with him to prolong the time a little as I’m afraid that Ramli wasn’t back yet.. About 15mins later our conversation ended with welcome to Pakistan and collect the visa and passport tomorrow 12th July… I was very happy finally!! So Ramli went in and came out about 10mins later and had the good news also…

Yahoo!! So we headed to Connaught Place to have a early lunch at Macdonalds…Filet O Fish meal.. after we had to go to the railway station to have our train ticket for the 12th cancelled and get the tickets to Jaipur for the 13th which actually we have bought the first time… Seems that we are going round in circles.. after headed back to hotel to rest and escape the heat.. We read on the papers that monsoon did not arrive in India yet this year and seems the drought is hurting the country as the prices of food increase and all… But I guess God heard the prayers and it rained for about 15mins in the late afternoon… We had dinner later and rest for the night looking forward to collect our visa tomorrow..

2 guys asking to have their photos taken

Break at Cafe coffee day..

Morning came today we headed to the embassy, when we arrived we saw so many people there… Luckily they were locals awaiting at window no.3 while we have to be at window no.5.. Even though there is only 1 man in front of Ramli there wasn’t anyone at the window as per normal… We just cant understand how they work or their system if they have one at all .. After waiting about 15mins finally we got our visa and passport !!! Huge relief for us .. Headed to Connaught place again to wait for lunch .. Our last lunch at KFC!!! Kekekekekekke spent our time at CafĂ© Coffee day while waiting for lunch time.. Got our lunch and headed back to the hotel … Escaping the heat in the cold room…. Tomorrow we will be taking the train at 0605hrs to Jaipur, finally leaving Delhi and continuing with our journey…