Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 2 - 30th June 2009

Our first morning there,
woke up to a beautiful sunny day, freshen up and off we go searching for breakfast.
Walked around for a good 20 mins and finally settled for vegetarian Dosa(Singapore is Thosai) and Poori. Both were good and different from back home. Total spent RS70. Finished up and headed to the streets wondering where to go and what to do...
Decided to go to Ulsoor Lake as I remembered this conversation I had with a Indian guy who is from here while doing and event back home. He named a few places to go and Ulsoor Lake was one of it. Approached by a Taxi (like Tuktuk) driver haggled the price from RS200 and finally agreed on RS150 for a 10km drive.

Buffalo pulling a cart

Man selling guava on his cart

Old Skool Car..

Here is the view of Ulsoor Lake...

Reach destination but think we set too high an expectation and was disappointed when we saw the place. Set down for 20 mins than proceeded to our next destination which is Lal Bagh Botanical Gardens.
This time we hailed a Taxi that uses a meter instead. We went further than the first taxi but ended up paying RS60 only!! KNN Kena conned!! from the previous taxi driver.

See the clear blue sky

Green Green Grass

Some Statue

updating the Log Book..

We entered the garden after paying RS10/each for entrance fee. Walked around and sat down to rest our tired feets... Although the place wasnt as "proper , nice and orderly" as the one we have in Singapore we enjoyed lepaking at this place..

Indian Lady collecting branches and twigs...

Another 2 of them waiting to go

Big Fat Male Monkey

Looking at the man fishing at the lake

The sky was a clear blue with white marshmallow clouds hanging around, the day was sunny but the breeze was cool even in the afternoons... It was a real pleasant day .. we spent the whole day there basking under the shade... Today we did 3 things that we have not done before : 1) Chilled out at a Garden for a day 2) Sat on the grass just like Ram's so called "cows" 3) Prayed in the open field with the breeze brushing by us and sounds of birds chirping...

After we headed back into town at Brigade Road in search for dinner and to update our dearest friends and family our adventure thus far...

Another adventure awaits us...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy to hear you guys have reached your destination. Keep us update on your journey!! Will always prayed for your safety... TAKE CARE!!