Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 3 Bangalore 1st July 2009

Another day in Bangalore. Woke up to another sunny day and decided to try cooking Maggie mee for breakfast by using the electric cooker kindly sponsored by Mr Rizal. It Worked perfectly and we also use it to boil water for tea. Thanks Buddy!!
We packed up everything and headed downstairs to check our as it was already 1200hrs. But we were shocked when we asked the counter guy, what time is check out and he said it depends on what time we check in. Alhamdulillah, cause we were thinking of leaving our backpacks at the hotel lobby and come back to pick up later cause our train was scheduled at 2340hrs. So we headed back to our rooms and dumped our bags before going exploring more of what Bangalore has to offer with piece of mind. (Knowing the bags are safe in the room)
While walking around, learnt something about this place their man would pee wherever the want. It seems disgusting but I guess its quite common or normal here. For example…while working to Cubbon Park our first destination, by a busy street bustling with vehicles and commuters everywhere, this guy was peeing right there and there in the open when no one seems to care hahaha what a SHOCKER…
Anyway we reached Cubbon Park after 30 mins, while looking for a spot to “lepak”, Ramli happen to see this old man “FONDLING” another guys “ONE EYED SNAKE!!!”.
WTF !! !! !! Freaking disgusting. Right than I was thinking shit man is this like a gay park or something.. But luckily I just turned my head and saw this couple sitting nearby (couple meaning a guy and a girl) Phew!! … that was a relief. Quickly made our exit from this place to another part of the park.
While walking to our next chair and area to “lepak” we saw the charcoal burnt corn seller. Decided to get some and try it out. As you can imagine the surface are mostly burnt black. Have salt and some green chilli concoction rubbed on it. Only costs Rp15/each and the old lady was real friendly. Spoke to Cindy in her native tongue which we don’t understand a single word but “made out” that she did not have money to write when she was “small” (hand action) and that is why she felt sleepy(again with facial expression and hand action).. Wahahahahaha, well that was what we thought she was trying to say. Walked on and came to a nice shady area sat down and ate our corn, tasted nice and spicy even though corn was dry and a bit hard. A lot of chewing is required… While eating, a cracker passed by we got a packet of peanut chippies and chilli crackers.. tasty!!

Tasty Samosa
Then a samosa seller came by, again bought some and tried the Indian samosa for the first time… wow Tasty!! With the green chilli concoction, spicy!..

Yummy and Finger licking goooood

“Lepak” for a while more, finish our snacking and move on to explore some other parts of the park.. Then we walked our way to M.G Road in search of internet café to try check on our train info, took us about 30 mins and when we arrived the electricity was cut off as usual so we headed to Macs for a late lunch … 2 Filet O fish meal costs Rp264, most expensive meal of the trip so far.. They do not serve any pork or beef, all chicken, veg and fish only… Chicken not halal except nuggets hmmm …. But was out of stock “due to over whelming response” as the chart stated which was placed at the take away counter.. Hmmmm after about 30 mins got to the internet café and check somethings and left some messages on FB then headed back to hotel to “lepak” and wait for our long awaited train ride.
Checked out, had dinner at a vegetarian restaurant that costs Rp114 for one southern meal and one mix veg fried rice and 2 mango drinks… Cheap!!

Cindy's Mix Vege Fried Rice

Ramli's mini Southern Meal

Headed to the train station and arrived at 2200hrs.. way too early.. saw some mad dog barking when a train pulls up…. SEOW!!!

Waited in the cold night for the train…
Finally it came, as anxious as Cindy could be to find out exactly how was the sleeper cabin and most important how bad the toilet was!! Up we went searching for our beds in darkness… passed the toilet and as expected smelt and look real bad!!! Told Ramli I will be in “trouble”…. Settle down asap on our beds awaiting the morning light to see more of the train and the toilet!!

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