Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 10 Lachung Village, North Sikkim 8th July 2009

Morning came with Ramli visiting the toilet for 2 times at the wee hours of 0300hrs in the morning… Seems that his diarrhoea have not recovered since that day. After Subuh went back to sleep and got up at about 0700hrs to have a chilling shower and pack up for Yumthang Valley.

Carried our 15 to 16 kgs back pack and our day packs, headed up hill to Altitude Adventure. This uphill walk was unbearing for me, I think I’m going to faint as I feel the bag is bringing me down and pressing into my internal organs and I feel my lungs will collapse soon.. Wahahha exaggerating la me.. Its just tiring la for not training first for this trip.. we took a medium pace 15mins walk uphill to reach our dest in which a normal walk w/o backpack take about 10mins only. Maybe it wasn’t that bad.

Anyway when we reached the shop, I quickly dumped my back and started wiping off sweats all over my face and neck. The owner saw us and advised that we are still the only ones going, so I guess no choice la. Paid the balance and than headed to the jeep with our guide Mr Sudan. Met with our driver not sure what name at the car park and started out journey.

Lachung Village is 140kms away from Gangtok and is at 8100ft above sea level. Get ready for the humpty, bumpy ride. About 15 mins outside of Gangtok the driver stopped at a meat market out of no where and went searching for the halal chicken which Ramli requested earlier. First shop wasn’t successful and the second shop! Yeah they have !! we are so looking for dinner today.. At long last some meat for me….

Drove for a bout 1 hr later and came to a 7 Sisters Waterfall which is 500m high and have 7 steps to the waterfall that’s why the name. Took some wet pictures and visited the extremely clean public toilet and continued with our journey.

so high ...

my turn

1145hrs we reach a Everest Hotel to have lunch. Sudan spoke with the lady for a while and only understood that they haven’t prepare any lunch as this is the low season they didn’t want the food to go to waste. So they could only offer Waiwai Masala Vege Maggie noodle with diced tomatoes and onion, apples and black tea. Continued our journey after 5 hours on the jeep seems everyone felt sleepy even the DRIVER!! I can see from the rear view mirror that his eyes are half close half open, he is trying his bests to stay awake. I was thinking no!!!! Please be alert!! I don’t want to fall down the hill ok please!! Luckily about 10mins later we reached a check point and the driver went and freshen up . Phew!!

The mountains and hills of north Sikkim is so different from East Sikkim(Gangtok). There are waterfalls at most of the corners of the mountains or hills. Small, Medium or Large .. Some even flows right onto the road, there is one particular one which flows at a big area on the road, the motorists stopped and parked right in the flow and make use of this free water to wash their car. Good idea!! Only if Singapore have a few of this waterfalls, we don’t have to rely on our neighbours for water.

Bhimala Waterfalls

My legs elongated

Stopped at a Bhim Nala Waterfalls just by the road, took some pictures and left.

After another few hours finally we arrive at Lachung Village at 1533hrs at our rest place Seela inn Resort for the night. This village is fantastic, all natural with mountains and valleys surrounding the village and a river the flows so strongly down the village. You can hear the roaring of the water from the road. After admiring the scenery for a while we checked into our room. Wow first sight!! I was totally impressed as this was to me “heaven” after so many days of crappy rooms and filthy toilets.. Yahooo and the room actually smells so clean and their sheets look so clean. We had frontal view to the village and the river, woooo!!! Next was the toilet, wow clean clean clean and for the first time I could step into the toilet barefooted.. And most importantly they have heater!! Yahooooo another something to look forward after dinner!! Hot shower!! Finally!!

Dining area

After dumping our stuffs in the room we went out to find some adventure. Walked along the river took some photos and than tried walk up hill looking for anything… As this is really the low season, most of the hotels are close for holiday and seems that we are the only tourists in town. No one bothered us much, just look when we pass and let us be on our own again … This village is so amazingly peaceful and quiet, wow I don’t mind staying here for a few days,… Just want to take in the peacefulness which I haven’t found for a while. Just strolling along the houses and hotels with Ramli, watching the few cows grazing and the colorful flowers with mountains surrounding and guarding over us.. Waaaahhh another “heaven” for me… Weather was cool and comfortable, I couldn’t ask for more..

Little Domah ..

trying to shake hands with her..



Slowly we stroll back to the hotel passing children playing some rock “hantam” game and young men playing makeshift cricket… We sat at the porch of the hotel sipping our hot black tea, eating biscuits and still enjoying the peace and view. As the evening came the temperature dipped so we headed back to our room to enjoy the clean room for once.. Sudan came up a while later and we had a chat with him. He is 25 years old and have been doing free lance tour guide for 8 years now and most of the times he goes trekking at west Sikkim and since now is low season he came along with us. He already have a 6 yr old son!! Wow I think we should wake up some of our “ideas” wahaahh like real….

lady cutting wood..

the river just outside our lodging..

Hands wide open for the nature

He recommended that we go Ladakh for trekking instead of Nepal as now is trekking season in Ladakh. Nepal would be same like in Sikkim monsoon and cloudy.. I guess we will see hows the situation when we arrive at Nepal than decide. He told us some history of Sikkim as we still are curious of the need of the ILP. So the history goes, around 1960s a war broke out between Sikkim and China as usual China want to take over this land. At that time Sikkim is still a Kingdom independent but with very little resources to be able to defeat the Chinese so the King sought help from India and there after winning this battle Sikkim became a Union of India. India supported Sikkim in their growth till today investing a lot of money to bring up Sikkim. India military is very involve in Sikkim especially North Sikkim as it is near the borders of China and Tibet thus the reason of the ILP and also the PAP (for tourist visit to restricted sight seeing area).. Ohhh now we know .. I asked if he thinks that Sikkim will be independent again he say not really as now is better as India is investing in their country and helping the growth of their economy.

After a bit more chatting it was time for Dinner!! Long awaited Dinner!! We headed down after solat. And was greeted by Sudan our guide, Sonam the hotel owner’s son and Sonur our 19 year old cook. Dish by dish they serve it to us.. My eyes was eyeing on the chicken!! We couldn’t wait anymore and dig into the Rice, Fried kicap Chicken, Fried Cabbage and Dhal curry.. Yummy!! This little boy can cook or maybe we are just too hungry due to the cold… While eating chit chatted with the 3 guys and got to know more about Sikkim and the Tibetans …And also found out that Sikkim Gov do not allow smoking in public and if caught there will be a fine of Rp5000 (SGD150.00) and 1 day jail time…. the wonderful dinner ended with hot black tea and fruit platter of Banana and apples.. … Wonderful…


Looks messy, but tasty.. And finally chicken!!


Retired to our rooms at about 2050hrs to have that long awaited HOT shower.. Wwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Feels good!!!! Update some blogs and awaiting the morning for bed tea @ 0630hrs… They serve tea in bed (but not breakfast in bed) interesting… 0730hrs breakfast than head off to Yumthang Valley and Yumesamdong…

Its too cold here!! Freezing for us.. Soon we will hide under the thick covers and snooze off to another wonderful day of adventure… God Bless…

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