Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 12 Lachung - Gangtok East Sikkim 10th July 09

Morning light came with no bed tea as we requested… Woke up about 0645hrs to take the maybe last hot shower we will have after this place… I scrub myself down and wash my hair…Enjoyed this bathroom for about 20mins before I got out to let Ramli enjoy his time…

Packed up and went downstairs to await breakfast… Across the street we saw the little girl whom we have saw on the first day… She had a tiny black bindi on her forehead and even have black eyeliner on her beautiful eyes… So glad we get to see her today before we leave… went across to say hi and take some photos with her.. Her name is Doma and her favourite pass time : sitting at the porch waiting to wave at passer bys… Kekekekke

Sonu the chef

Breakfast was ready, todays menu : Poori with Wai Wai masala maggie… Again good breakfast… After we bid farewell to Sonam, Sonu and Tibetan Grandma .. Before we left we took a photo for Sonam and his grandma which she requested the day before. And not forgetting a group photo of us… We cant bare to leave this place but no choice had to move on….

Sonam and Tibetan Grandma

Sonam and Tibetan Grandma...

Doma, Speedy Gonzales (all cleaned up) and Friend...

Visited a Monastery on the way back

So another 5 hours of humpty bumpy ride back to Gangtok.. Stopped at 2 monasteries along the way… By 1500hrs we were already in Gangtok… Went to Deorali bus station to get our tickets for Kakavitha to get into Kathmandu tomorrow. Wasn’t able to get the seat no. 1 & 2 but manage 3 & 4 which was good enough as we have excess to the door which was easy rather than having to climb in and out if we get seats no 7 to 10 like out journey from Darjeeling to Gangtok…Ticket costs Rp160/each.

Some interesting signs from the roads of Sikkim/Darjeeling to share,

1) Encroacher will be prosecuted

Im not sure what this mean??

2) Determination of sex will be punishable by law

This one too? Determination of Sex? Hmmm

3) Bridges link people of many status

4) Safety on road is safe tea at home

5) Drive like hell & you will be there

6) Don’t gossip, let him drive

Walked around to look for a cheap accommodation to rest for the night before the jeep ride at 0630hrs tomorrow… Surveyed 3 and finally settled down for a nice clean room which only costs Rp350 with “marbled” toilet flooring and also seems to have water heater!! And not forgetting the TV … Yahoo!!

After settling down in the room, try to complete the blogs and headed out in search of the internet café. Went to one just near the hotel but no power as usual. So decided to walk up the hill to the one we went on the first day we arrived. Was happy to see they have generator back up but sad thing is all units are occupied by kids playing counter strike 2, my goodness and they are so rowdy… We had to wait, so hung around there and waited for about 30mins and Ramli chatted up with a Indian journalists Mr Shoumeek Datta working for The Assam Tribune from Calcutta who is stationed in Sikkim for 2 months now and will be staying here for a year. He told Ramli that he will send us some nice trekking places to go with some pictures. Hopefully will get some good advise from a local. The kids still haven’t give up on the gaming and we almost gave up on waiting when the young boss came and Mr Shoumeek talked to him in their native tongue that we are guests and waited for so long but still didn’t get our turn. So quickly the nice young boss asked 2 of the kids to stop playing and give up their place for us.. Wooo we feel so “guesty”. Whahaha

Finally time to log in and find out what we miss the pass 3 days… 1st Good news updated by Izar was Baby Ray has entered to this world and both Bubu and him is well!! I’m so happy and ecstatic for them… Almost teared cause we cant be there to be with them and share their joy… Only from a far we give our prayers, hugs and kisses. Hope to see Baby Ray’s pictures soon on FB…

2nd news wasn’t so good… Sigh got to know bad news from my sis with her mother in law.. Hopefully she and Andy will be able to settle and resolve their issues as soon. Our prayers to you guys too… Don’t give up…

3rd news also bad… Some bloody idiot tried to still our bicycle locked outside our door!!! Bloody hell!! Luckily for the neighbours dog the guy got shocked by his barking and left w/o taking the bicycle after cutting the chain… Me and Ramli suspect should be those Bangladesh cleaners at our place… Idiots!! But now it is safe inside the living room… Damn you thief!!! So now we owe the dog we “hate” a favour…

We read our mails and replied all as fast as we can.. Reading all the emails from home makes us feel so home sick… myself as usual emotional, read the mails from our dearest friend Izar and my sis make me teared… Even now as I’m typing … Ahhh I’m home sick only after 12 days… Still have long way to go … And for Ramli even though I didn’t turn to look to confirm I realize he was rubbing his eyes and was breathing in so hard, I guess to hold his mucus in when we were at the internet cafe… kekekekek … We didn’t say a word but we both have the same understanding… we miss our dear friends and family so so so much...

And finally time to upload the pics and update our blog… 3 hours we sat at the internet café…Wooo my eyes almost crossed uploading all the pics … Luckily now we always update our blog on our lappy first then copy and paste to the blog otherwise we would have a worst time… When we finally finished it was already 2100hrs and the shops around are all closing.. We wanted to try our luck to go back to Ashrafiah Fast Food again, but when we reached the shop is closed.. Sigh so no choice have to eat wai wai Maggie.. and got honey to substitute for sugar for our TOKM… Yes Lynn the sugar you “got” for me has run out..Should have taken more.. Ahaahaaa .. And also got bread for tomorrow breakfast…

Got back to our rooms cooked our Maggie, finished our dinner and watch National Treasure on Star Movies in the room it is already 2323hrs… time to get some rest before the 6 hours taxi jeep ride to Kakavitha, India/Nepal border and another 12 hours bus ride into Kathmandu.... Wish us luck our friends…

More updates later from Kathmandu

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