Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 48 Jodhpur to Jaisalmer 15th Aug 09

Clock Tower

The checkout time is 0900hrs which was very weird, so we had to wake up early today. Got ready and packed our bags and headed outside. We had breakfast and after checked on the internet if our tickets was confirmed. Still on waiting lists.. Hmmm

Colorful ladies buying slippers

Bangle cart

So we just decided to head out to do some sightseeing and come back later to check again since the train is at 2300hrs. First stop was the clock tower and Sardar Market. It was only 1100hrs when we arrived there so the shops are slowly opening up.. Walked around for a while and asked for directions to the Fort. Climbed up the slightly steep slopes up the fort and arrived about 20mins later.

Fruit Stall

View of the blue city from the fort

We got our tickets and free audio guides and headed into the fort. As we aren’t history buffs we just went with the flow with the audio guides as it is inclusive in the ticket charge of Rp300. Got to know some of the histories about the fort and the Maharajahs that rein the fort before. From the fort we could see the view of the old city, not all blue. But most of them still maintained the Indigo colour as they called it and as the audio said it is to ward of insects.. You could get a very nice view of the city from the fort.

While walking around we met a lot of local tourists whom requested us to take their photos. We guessed they are from the villages and should be amazed with how the digital camera works.. But we were curious to why they wanted their pictures taken when they couldn’t have it. Anyway we just went with the flow..

We finished touring the fort about 1hr later and didn’t know where to go next as the other tourist attractions are Hindu temples or memorial museums which we aren’t really interested in. We decided to go back to the old city and walked around while we look for a Masjid for solat.

After about 30mins walking around we finally found the masjid after getting directions from the locals and a man even ride on this bike and showed us the way. The local people in Jodphur are all very friendly. When they see us walking pass they would just say hello to us and wave… Young or old the same.

Omelette Shop

After solat we headed back to the Clock tower to look for lunch. We saw the Omelette shop which is recommended by the LP so we thought why not just try out. The owner a very friendly man recommended us to have the Masala Cheese Omelette. Ramli had that and I ordered the Spanish Omelette with Potato. We were very skeptical on how good the omelette would turn out to be.. But when we had our first bite, whoa… It is tasty!! Even the drink we had which is a Jodhpur special non alcoholic Fruit Beer is also very tasty. We ordered another 2 more different omelette sandwiches and headed back to the hotel.

As it is still early we decided to take a room just to lepak.. The lady boss let us take back the same room with AC at Rp200 so we agreed and rested while waiting for time to check our tickets again. We took a nap and watched Bride Wars on our laptop and about 1930hrs Ramli went out to checked on our train tickets. He called the helpline and we have confirmed tickets!! Yahoo!! So we will leave Jodhpur tonight at 2300hrs and arrive in Jaisalmer tomorrow 0515hrs.

We went to the rooftop restaurant to have our dinner. Ramli tried the thali meal which consists of 4-5 different kinds of curries and gravies with rice and 2 chapatis and I had veg curry with plain rice. It was good. After dinner went and settle our bill for the hotel and food and rested till about 1030hrs we left for the train station.

We are taking the AC 3 tier cabin for this ride and hopefully it will be as clean as the AC chairs cabin…

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