Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 50 Jaisalmer 17th Aug 09


our beds for the night

Before sunrise everyone was already awake anxiously waiting to see the desert sun rise while Mathan and Malu prepared our breakfast. Me and Ramli didn’t really sleep well cause all night the wind was blowing up the sand in our faces and everywhere.. Our sleeping bags are fill with sand. But still we enjoyed the experience.


Our breakfast of boiled egg, bread and jam, cookies and black tea was served. Not forgetting the guava and pears. We filled our stomachs and slowly packed up to get ready to continue with the camel ride.

We sat off about 0730hrs and arrived at our lunch place about 1000hrs. The scenery along the way wasn’t as fantastic as what you would see of the deserts on TV but was good enough. We saw 2 black vultures on the tree sitting on their nest along the way and also 5 deers running across the deserts. Not forgetting the skulls and bones of some dead goats or dears..

looking like a tribal girl

Tribal man?

We rested at the lunch place under a big tree and waited for Mathu and Malu to cooked up our lunch. Lunch was ready about 1 hr later, it was vege curry, rice and chapatti… Seriously I don’t know how they could have the same food throughout the day or even better throughout their life time. But still it tasted very good considering it is cooked from a open kitchen with not much resources.

As we set off early we had 3 hours rests before we set off again to the jeep pick up point. We rested , read our book took a nap while the camels we roaming around eating leaves from the trees nearby. The heat in the noon was unbearable..

At about 1500hrs we set off again thru the desert and honestly I could feel that I had blisters on my ass due to the continuous movement riding on the camel. And worst halfway thru Malu asked if we wanted the camel to run.. I was like run!!?? Everyone else said yes so I had no choice but to hold on!! I could imagine the feeling to ride on a running camel is just like riding on a running horse. And it wasn’t fun for the female chests and ass… I was looking forward for the camel to stop running, finally it stopped but rested only about 10mins and later it started running again.. My goodness..

Finally we arrived at the jeep pick up point at about 1700hrs, got off the camel for the last time. Took photos with the camels and Malu and Mathan. Gave them their tips and sat down to wait for the jeep to come. 15mins later a taxi came and it was for us.

We hoped on and was on our way back to Jaisalmer city and back to the hotel for the long awaited shower as we are all covered with sand..

After the long shower each of us had, we went out to the internet cafĂ© to book our tickets to Amritsar for the next day. After checking again and again about 15mins we couldn’t get a train either from Jaipur or Jodhpur as all is fully booked and on waiting lists. And they didn’t have a direct train from Jaisalmer to Amritsar thus the only option is for us is to take the train the next day to Delhi and stay for a night at get on the train to Amritsar at 0440hrs the next morning. Of course we were glad to do it cause it gave us a reason to have KFC again!! Wahahahahha

Booked our tickets and went out to find dinner as the guesthouse do not serve meat. Enjoyed our dinner got back to the room and rest for the night.

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