Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 63 Fairy Meadows 30th Aug 09

Star and moon lit night

First light


Woke up about 0330hrs to go for our Sahur at the staffs cabin. But when we went there they were still sleeping so Ramli had to knock on the door and wake them up and we waited for them to get ready our roti and chick pea curry and red bean gravy. Finished our food and headed back to the cold cold cottage room to wait for the time for Subhr prayers.

Ramli in the air

Today we will head up to Beyal at 3500m. We packed up our things and wanted to check out . The manager was reluctant to let us check out and asked that we try come back to stay for the night since Beyal and the view point is just 1.5hrs away. We told him we try and see how it is.

me taking a rest

Slowly we hike up the track towards Beyal and arrived about 1hr later. The managers of the various hotel approached us and asked to stay at their place but we just replied that we will go to the view point at 3667m and come back later. We walked on and saw a cottage which has the best view of Nanga Parbat and decided to ask the price for the cottage room. After bargaining we got the room for Pkr600, checked in and rested for about 2 hours before heading towards the view point as it was only about 1130hrs or so..

We agreed to leave for view point at 1430hrs, we went outside about 1400hrs and Howard had just ordered lunch. Noodles and dhal curry.. We waited with him to finish his lunch before we set off. When they serve his lunch we were all surprised and staring at each other as they gave him instant noodle in a small soup bowl but the dhal was of a acceptable serving. But it costs him Pkr200.. Whoa that is expensive we told him but no choice cause we are up in the mountains and no other place to go for food..

We started walking about 1500hrs and arrived at the view point about an hour later. We could see the glacier quite close.. The view was fantastic!! We only need to climb for 2 days and we are so close to the mountains.. Not like Nepal we had to climb for 11 days before we reach the destination and also not so close to the mountains. The guys were very tempted to go down the very steep slow and cross over to take pictures at the glacier. I opted out cause I know I will have big problem to climb back up the hill..

So I sat and watch them slowly descending the steep hill and slowly walking towards the glacier.

Howard had a difficult time going down cause he had phobia after climbing down the Ultar Meadows alone at Karimabad. He said the climb down was so steep that he thought he is going to die. So after he had phobia climbing down any steep slopes.

Felix and Ramli waited for him and when Howard was just at the bottom they turned back and started climbing up.. Hmmm not sure what was wrong.. When Ramli got up he told me that the Glacier was actually further than they thought so decided not to go and it wasn’t really safe as the ice should be moving as they could see the rocks falling into the small glacier pools..

View of Glacier on the left

The Guys

While we were chatting and waiting for Howard and Felix to get up, we heard people singing or talking, and the sound came from the Glacier.. We looked over and I saw many sheeps or goats walking down from the glacier with their shepherds. They are heading upwards and towards us. Before long they are infront of us, the young shepherds said they have total of 400 goats/sheeps with them and they just came from the base camp which is 3967m and now heading back to beyal. Hmmm what can the goats eat at the base camp? Wouldn’t there be all fill with ice?

the goats that came our way

The Sherperds

We slowly headed down to Beyal camp to rest and waited for Iftar. We told the manager we wanted veg fried rice since he didn’t have much to offer due to Ramadhan. But we somehow feel that he don’t understand what we said. So we waited for dinner and see what he cooked up for us.

We sat at the candle lit table and was served white rice with fried cabbage.. Wahahhah we were right he didn’t get what we meant. But he also serve us instant noodle soup and desert for free just for iftar… Great!!

Finished our dinner and rested in the cold cold night..

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