Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 64 Fairy Meadows to Gilgit 31st Aug 09

Beyal Camp.. Hotel Owner

We discussed yesterday night that we wanted to leave Fairy meadows early so Felix, Ramli and myself could get the bus to Karimbad the same day and Howard could get the bus to Islamabad without having to stay one more day in Gilgit.

We woke up and left about 0830hrs and rushed down the descend of 834m.. The way down was easy for us as not much effort or energy is needed only the pressure on our knees. Finally we arrived at the jeep stop after 3 hours which is about 1130hrs. We told the guy to contact the jeep driver that we are here cause before we told him we would go back at 2pm. But he said he couldn’t contact him cause there is no reception at Raikot Bridge…Ermmm so we waited and waited hoping that the jeep driver would come up earlier.

On the way down

Waited for about 2.5hrs the keep came up 15mins to 2pm. We rushed to the keep and was on our way down to Raikot Bridge. At Raikot Bridge while waiting for our bus ride a English lady approached us and asked us about our trip to Fairy Meadows as they were just going up. Chatted for a while and saw a mini van coming we flagged it down and since there wasn’t any seats available we were asked to sit on the roof of the mini van.. Yahoo!! Finally we had a chance to experience sitting on the roof of a vehicle.. Even though I kept thinking of the danger and how I would fall off the cliff when the mini van make a big turn, I still got up and experience the danger…

Us on the roof of the van..

All of us holding tight!!

The first 15mins was fun, being able to see the mountains and the rivers from a moving vehicle but after our butt started to ache as the road is not ready and still bumpy.. Luckily another 15mins later some of the passengers got down and the driver asked us to get into the van also saying that the road ahead is not safe, too bumpy for us to be sitting on top.

The very well decorated Truck

These bus ride seems to be super long long long… It took us about 3.5hrs before we reach Gilgit bus station. We got down and checked if they still have bus to Karimabad and Islamabad but was told to come tomorrow cause the buses has left.

So we headed back to Madina guest house and stay for another night.

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