Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 15 Thamel, Nepal to Bulbhule 13th July 2009

Trekking Starts

0613hrs the sun is right up in the sky, got up and checked if the undergarments and socks we washed is dried? Hmmm seems the under garments is drying up nicely but the socks seems hopeless..

0700hrs Rahul came and gave us a morning wake up call and send our laundry which was all crisp and smelling good yahoo !! Clean clothes finally and costs NRP175 for 3.5kgs, this is cheap.. about SGD4.00, packed up and headed downstairs to meet him and go to the bus station by taxi.

A man trying to push up a big sack with his head...

When we arrived at the bus station to take the bus to Besisahar which is the starting point of the trek to our first stop Bhulbhule. There was a van taxi awaiting for a few more passengers before they could go so just nice the 3 of us came and almost fill up the van. Met Lars from Holland with his guide whom is also going for trekking, chatted with him for little. He is 21 yrs studying medicine and have 5 weeks of for his summer holidays. Will spend this time in Nepal and after will meet up his girlfriend at Delhi to explore North India than head back home.. The journey was about 5 hours to Besisahar and as per normal with so many stops on the way to fill up the van. There was once the van already full but they still took in another 2 persons. A Nepali lady in Sari had to stand beside me than after about 10s she pushed my legs awaying asking to let her sit.. Hmmm beside me there is another lady how can I spare seat for you… Hmmm never mind la squeeze lor… and she keep moving my tighs so she could seat down..Wah lau this is afirst… After about 10mins they got down at their village… Phew relief!!

Bus finally pulled up at our starting point, Rahul have to check in for us at the trekking check point. While we prepare ourselves for the start of our trek.. Carried our bags and was excited!!

River on the way

the blonde twins...

this lady volunteered for a picture

Village men ploughing the land with their buffalos

the grumpy twins

taking a breather

During the 3 hours trek we had to take off our shoes twice to cross a mini river. And true enough we met children from the village and gave them some sweets and took some lovely pictures with them.. . As the trails are all well marked and even jeeps can pass thru.. Hmmm But the mountainous views is fantastic as weather was good today… We started at about 1414hrs and arrived at Bhulbhule at about 1715hrs, Rahul went and checked us in at the trekking post and we went to the hotel for the night… Hotel Everrest… Very nice and cosy place with a communal toilet and shower. The hotel is well maintained and clean..


We rested for awhile and took our showers, washed whatever we need to wash and waited for dinner… Tuna with Macaroni, Tuna with Fried noodles and Mint Tea…The mint leafs was freshly picked from the garden… Woooo nice..

Dinner was good, chatted with Rahul about Nepali ghosts, about his job, about discovery channel and shared with him what ever we know and he did the same… About 2200hrs we retired to await the next day for a whole day of trekking… Ishhh daunting for me..

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