Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 17 Jagat to Dharapani 15th July 2009

Our bed room

It rained all night yesterday till about 0500hrs… It was cold even with my socks on and base layer pants and sarong… Woke up about 3 plus due to the cold and couldn’t go back into deep sleep later… Finally woke up at about 0645hrs to have shower and get ready for the 3rd day of trekking.

Tibetan bread and egg

The clothes we washed yesterday wasn’t dry but we still wore it since it will be wet later on when we start our walk.. Packed up and went down for breakfast, half boiled egg became hard boiled egg with Tibetan bread (like poori but thicker).

I was sooo scared of the walk… as Rahul said it will be much tedious than yesterday… Still with all our energy we took our bags and left the cosy Mont Blanc Hotel at about 0830hrs. As it rained yesterday so the morning is gloomy and cooling.. Good for us to walk faster and conserve energy… We walked about 1 hr stopped for about 15mins at a lodge with the view of a waterfall, after about 5 mins we saw Lars and his guide with another 2 female tourists coming our way..Chatted to him a bit and continued our journey. Eventhough we left first they still caught up with us … Wahahah they all seems to be veterans…

The mountain goats we saw on the way

Lars,myself and Ramli

at a waterfall

Walk and walk and walk up hill about 45mins non stop… Ahhh my knees are giving way and my calfs are aching… Help me please!! Endured and walked till about 1230hrs, finally arriving Tal, Manang for our lunch.. Had Egg fried rice rested till about 1400hrs we left first, but again they caught up with us… Wahahahha …. Along the way the sky was getting clearer and we could see the blue skies… There is some waterfalls along the way and also Marijuana fields… When we refered to the map then we realized it I also stated on it.. Kekekek as the leaves are still “young” so no one is plucking it yet… Maybe another few more weeks I think it will all be gone. But the weird thing is seems that no one is looking after it as they are growing wildly and not in a fenced up area…

Todays walk is a little easier then yesterday due to the cool weather compared to sunshine yesterday.. But todays climb have so many uphills, both myself and Ramli’s knees just ache like mad…

Crossing a suspended bridge..

Ramli's turn to cross

please dont JUMP!!

waiting ..

thru the corn fields

At about 1630hrs we could see Dharapani village, 1860m abv sea level and I felt super relief, walked pass many hotels but didn’t seem to stop at any. Stopped finally but was to check in at the trekkers check point.. After about another 30mins walk than finally we arrived at Kangaroo Guesthouse… Check in the room and went to take our shower and wash the clothes… Today we stayed with Lars and the other 2 female tourists, haven’t make friend with them yet so didn’t know their names… The room is just simple with 2 small beds but clean…

Ordered our dinner, I’m having spaghetti tuna and Ramli waiwai Maggie… He didn’t know what to have so opted for Maggie… Not much adventure today but we crossed 3 cabled bridges… That was an experience..

Our legs are all aching real bad… Luckily we bought “yokoyoko” from home … applied and hopefully we will feel better for tomorrow’s more arduous walk up to Chame at 2670m….

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