Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 4 Chennai 2nd July 2009

Day 1...

Sunlight came and I had to try out the toilet… hmmm what can I say? smells real bad, looks real bad …. But I’m amazed that I was able to do my biz ….But of course with my nose pinched tight and minimal breathing. Water wasn’t in abundance. Just dripping from the tap… my god… Since I already prepared for the worst it was quite easy for me to adjust.

Toilet cum shower.....

After freshening up with the minimal water we had breakfast… Plain bread with fried potato balls (called nastar). Hmm plain bread… boring, and remembered my mum’s home cooked “he bee hiam”(fried sambal dried shrimp) !! yummy taste just perfect and made me miss home… we were just lepaking the whole time in the train, trying to read book but felt sleepy instead.. ahahha guess we aren’t the reading sort..

Just a view in the train

Afternoon came and was sweating with no shower since the night before, and I had to attempt to take shower in that “stinky” toilet.. I was amazed with myself as I manage to take a shower with 1.5 litre of water.. Mind you with shower foam!! Wow amazing.. but Ramli did better later, manage to wash his hair but of course with more water patiently waiting for the mineral water bottle to fill up… This is something we never did before and never thought we could as the typical “pampered” Singaporeans..

The journey showed us the situation in rural India, slums everywhere. Rubbish in abundance even left over food from the train in their aluminium containers are thrown out of the window adding to the filth.. We see open fields, people working, buffalos, cows and goats grazing… But some things just shocked us more.. Men squatting and shitting in obvious corners .. hmmm Ramli was thinking where do women do the “biz”? as we seen none so far.

Most interesting sight today, would be seeing 2 young girls flashing their naked butts while shaking it so hard at our passing train Wahahahaahaha.. What the Heck ??? the first day of the train ride was alright but before the day ends I has having a throbbing headache and Ramli stomachache and later headache too.. Ate panadol and tried to rest, hopefully gets better.. Maybe too much Indian food for 2 days.. Time now 2225hrs, people are retiring for the night and awaiting for the arrival morning light..

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