Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 5 Somewhere in West Bengal 3rd July 2009

2nd day on the train.. I had quite a good sleep last night except Ramli, He had stomachache at 0400hrs in the morning and had to “go” .. He tapped me on my shoulders and I woke up in shock when I saw his face and let out “HUH” with like a shiver and shrugging my shoulders hahahahha .. I woke up to look after the bags and prepare for Subuh prayers. Went back to sleep and got up and 0800hrs to the sound of hawkers walking thru the cabins shouting out the name of their goods.. Chai Tea, Coffee, Chai Tea, Coffee, Mango lassi, Nastar Egg omelette etc… So many types of things they can sell … Shortly later Ramli woke me up and told me he had to go again. Kesian should be having diarrhoea. Gave him Po Chai pills and hopefully he will recover soon..

We are now at Kharagpur somewhere near Calcutta.. Should arrive at NJP by late night..

0942hrs a funny character came by our carriage. Red Saree, tightly tied up hair.. Clapping hands aloud and shouting “Shiva, Shiva, Homo, Homo” hmmm is my ears playing with me, by “homo” does shim means Homosexual??? And this person with the red saree walk towards our beds, approach me and ask me for money. I refuse by waving my hands than I realize he is a transvestite. He tried to touch my head I “siam” and he walked over to the young guys who were next to our beds. He kept harassing one of the young boy in purple tee. Poking his butt with his finger, touching him and his crotch. Hahaha what a sight!! Kept telling he is “homo” and pointed to his own crotch and just flash his left boob… I didn’t see anything.. Phew!! And then he gestured an action which seems like he wanted to masturbate for the young boy.. kekekkeke … After much harassment he gave up and walked off.

Forgot to mention, I managed to take a bath and wash my hair!!! Yahoo!! What an accomplishment for me!

Time 1220hrs- Ramli still not recovered yet, gone to dump 4 times so far. What a time to have diarrhea. But I think I’m feeling better.Took another dose of Po Chai…

The time spent on the train opened our eyes to so many things. Hawkers selling their wares, rain coats, toys, pens, clothes, bed sheets, food, “cheong” Kingston thumb-drive 40GB hmmm?? That’s the first … All sorts of things you can think of they are selling it… But not forgetting the beggars which came in all shapes and sizes. We have the multiple transvestite party, “Sliders” (children on their hands and knees sweeping the floors with rags or make shift brooms) asking for payment for their services rendered. Than we have the performers : singing, acrobatic acts, musicians, percussions and acoustic acapella.. and the rests are either handicaps or aged folks… But I must the treansvestites party willleave a lasting impression… kekekeke

Since Ramli was still having diarrhea, we didn’t eat much of the India “cuisine” that was to offer on the train.. We just munch on cookies to keep our “over our stomach”( In malay- Alas perut)

Already fall down, got squashed by a ladder somemore ( Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga in malay….. relak relaks its only a malay proverb translated word for word)

Ramli’s Diarrhea getting worst, the train has ran out of water.!!! No choice, have to tahan the pain and endure till the train stop at the next station to fill up empty bottles with water. (Incase you guys are wondering, why don’t just buy water from the sellers right, I’m trying to save whatever we can so we accumulate more each day so we will have more to spend the next day)

Finally after what felt like an eternity, the train finally pulled into a station. So first order of business, get water!! Next, go and chope the favourite cubicle to “ease” my tension between my chest and my private area…. Hahahaha.

The train started to move, while I was still in the toilet. Cindy was panicky, thinking did Ramli get into the train already??? What happen if he did not… How how how…

I can see the look of relief on her face when I finally walked back to our bunk. Hehehe kesian.

The conductor came to check our tickets so we asked him what time we will reach NJP, our stop for this train ride. He said its schedule to arrive at 2155hrs. Yeay!! Few hours to go. So after a few more times dumping, attempted reading sessions, snoozing and more, we finally reached NJP (New Jaipailaguri) at around 2230hrs. At last….. After almost 48hrs on the train.

Next train ride was at 0900hrs so we decided to rest our aching bodies from lying, sitting on the hard bunks at a nearby lodging. Before we even make it out of the station, a swarm of touters already “attacked” us with their offers of taxi and lodgings. So as per normal, I just ignored them and carried on walking. But this one guy is very persistent. Kept on following us so I tot why not , lets hear what he has got offer.

Oh yes I have to say while walking around, I noticed how dirty the place was. Not looking down on the country or anything but just that it was worst then I could imagine. There was cow poo everywhere. Anyway we agreed on the persistent guy’s offer and stayed at a place just 5 minutes walk from the station. It was 500Rp per night but we were just to tired to look around and it was getting late


This is how the room looks like.

Another view.

After 2 days of Train toilet, this one was like heaven.....

And on top of that my stomache is still giving me problems. So anything la………..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hope cik ramz get betta soon...take care u guyz...