Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 19 Chame to Lower Pisang – 17th July 2009

Mr Pasang the Sherpa..

View of Mt Manaslu from our lodge at about 4am

Another view

We woke up about 5plus to see the view from our “cottage” of Mt Manaslu. It was clear of clouds so we could see the snow on the mountain. Very nice view and we had a good rest in the nice and clean room. Ramli took some pics and we went back to sleep and got up at about 0640hrs to clean up and pack up for another day of walking.

As usual Ramli ordered 3 half boiled eggs and it came as “hard” boiled. Wahahaha and for me corn bread that tasted and looked like pancake. After breakfast and hot lemon we went outside and took some pics of Tilicho Guest House and Restaurant with Rahul and Mr Pasang or Mr Everest (Lar’s porter).

We walked uphill about 3-4hrs and stopped for lunch with the French ladies, Lars and Belgium lady. The first part of the walk was quite strenuous but still we endured and made it thru. We both had egg fried rice and rest for an hour and continued our journey..

As we aren’t so fast we left first, along the way we saw some ancient rock slabs placed together with carvings of the Buddhists scriptures on it. We stopped at a teahouse to have some black tea and also for me to use the toilet!! Urgent and big business!.. Phew relief after.. The Belgium lady and her boyfriend was there too.. Hmmm So they left earlier then us.. While resting and enjoying our tea, Lars came along and didn’t want to stop for tea as he still had the energy to continue. So we left and walked together and finally arrived in Lower Pisang @ 3200m after about 2.5 hrs..

Finally arrived at Pisang

We checked in the hotel, had our hot showers from the pail and decided to go for a walk to Upper Pisang where the French and Belgium ladies was staying for the night. As we were walking a group of locals was taking pictures and invited us to take photos with them too. Hmmm maybe they are interested to take picture with Lars then us.. whahaah

Fm the back Rahul, Lars, Hari and Me

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Lars getting into my Frame...

We walked and snapped many pictures of ourselves along the way. Lars wanted to take some pictures of the locals and when asked they asked to be paid.. Hmm paid? It didn’t happen with 1 person but with most of the people. This was the first encounter we had to be asked for payment to take pictures.. Hmmm We rested at the steps to upper Pisang and saw 3 women clearing the weeds in their potato fields and Lars asked to have some pictures taken of them but also same answer. Money… We were chatting and one of the lady who was quite wrinkled caught my eye and I was curious what was her age so asked Rahul to check. And what she said really shocked me and felt “disgusted” with the people in this village. She was also asking for money.. My Goodness I said, she can keep her age to herself… I’m not interested now.. Rahul continued to talk to her and she told her age to him and Rahul was also angry so took 10 NRP and wanted to give her but I think she was embarrassed and didn’t take it, but instead asked Lars for a torchlight cause she cant see at night so Hari told her we don’t have extra, if we had will give to her. Then again she asked for something else, Lars sweater.. What the?$#(*$#$& we were all so angry we stood up and walked back to the hotel discussing this issue on the way.

Rahul was telling me that Pisang village is one of the most undeveloped and poor and this caused the villagers to be very greedy, but for me this isn’t a good enough reason as your actions will affect the way tourist think of your village and might not want to come back and this in turn affect the income of the hotel owners. Haiz.. $$$$

Arrived at the hotel and saw some boys learning to ride the bicycle at the courtyard and Lars volunteered to teach them.. Hehehhe was fun looking at them.. A big giant holding the teenage boys waist to help him balance on the bicycle. They tried a few rounds and one of the boys seem to get the hang of it… We took a group photo with them and they all seem so excited looking at their pictures from Lars’ and Ramli’s camera. All crowded around like there was something real interesting to see..

The gang at the lodge

The Gang with Ramli

We set at the room with the fire place as it was sooo cold outside. There wasn’t electricity today as they have some agreement that they share the power on alternate days with Manage village. So we had our torches on and was chatting when Lars said , eh I think I saw a lizard behind you… Ramli turned and we shown the torches and only saw a insect which looks like a centipede but shorter and with 28legs..weird…And it didn’t move and stayed there through out our dinner and conversation…

the weird creature

We finished our dinner it was already about 2030hrs so we retired into the dark cold night… to rest our tired body for the next day.

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