Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 20 Lower Pisang to Manang – 18th July 2009

At the lodge in the morning

View from the lodge

Today is the 6th day of walking … As normal schedule woke up and clean up and packed up for breakfast.. Saw Lars downstairs and set down for our breakfast. Lars told us he was feeling aching on his head so we checked for him by taking a picture for him at the same time so he could see. He had some inflammation on his head. Not sure what caused it but as a Doc he had some cream he brought along so I helped him apply it and hope he inflammation will subside later.

We are now at 3200m above sea level and the weather is getting colder and colder. Today decided to trek with long sleeves to help with the cold and also for avoid getting burnt by the sun. We left the hotel after taking some pictures and headed towards Manang with Lars.

As we only need to climb up another 300m up to Manang, it should be a easy way. Just flat flat flat as Rahul always says. As it gets higher and deeper into the mountains the trees get lesser and the terrain starts to change. More rocks on the ground and more sand mountains..Along the way we walked pass a small village and Rahul requested Ramli to take a picture with a old Tibetan lady whom was sitting at the road side. She looked real nice and agreed to taking photos with us. Her wrinkled but smiley face can melt your hearts. In her hands she was holding the prayer beads and just sitting alone in the sun, but later did we know she was actually looking after the cows behind..

the nice tibetan lady

We continued walking and half way Rahul had to check us in at the tourist check point so we continued without waiting for him. We walked thru all flat flat flat ground but with loose stones which was actually hurting the ball of my feet. But still I tried my bests to persevere and continued, thru the forest we saw a herd of mountain goats passing by. Most of them had long furs and also horns that curl in every different direction. Than we saw 2 young goats playing, hitting each other on the head with their tiny horns.. It was so cute!! Ramli took a video and some pictures and we continued on our way. About 30mins later Rahul finally caught up with us and said we were walking so fast it was difficult for him to catch up.. But still finally he caught up..

the jump down Rahul, Anna,Hari and Dona

We continued walking and time was about 1200hrs but we still have another 30mins walk before we will arrived at the next village for lunch. Everyone should be hungry by now even for myself, but since we haven’t arrived there is nothing much we could do but to walk. But what came next really “broke” me down…. Already my feet is hurting and walking quite slowly which Rahul is aware.. He still choose to say the inevitable “ Mdm can you change your gear and walk faster cause I’m hungry” when I heard this I was like what the F*&^ !!! You are hungry ? You think I’m not?? But I told you my feet is hurting right you don’t get it?? I chose to keep my anger and tell him, if you are hungry go ahead and walk first don’t have to wait for me. And Ramli at that time didn’t know what was happening in my head repeat the same thing to Rahul. And he replied by saying oh no, cause they only serve tourist first, meaning to say that even if he get there first he wont be able to eat.. I just ignored him cause by now I’m really seriously boiling under the hot sun… I just hang my head low and continued pushing myself to get to lunch… Then Rahul choose to talk to me asking me to repeat with him how you say buckwheat in Nepali. The pass few days when he asked I would do the same but not this time. I just ok, and kept quite. He didn’t give up and still choose to pursue, he said “Mdm seem you are really tired ah” Ohhhh I couldn’t hold my anger any more but still I didn’t lash out at him with all my anger. I told him with a slight anger in my voice… “I don’t like the way you talk to me just now, I told you and you know that my legs are hurting but you still can ask me to change my gear to walk faster cause you are hungry???” He tried to apologise but I just ignored and continued to walk on. Ramli as always didn’t want to get involve otherwise he will know he might be innocently drawn into the fight…

Still boiling and walking as fast to reach the lunch place so my “hungry” guide can get to eat. The past few days start rewinding and playing in my head and the words he said to me just make me even more frustrated which didn’t affect me before… Mdm when walking on flat ground you can walk faster, Mdm can walk faster don’t waste time, Mdm can change gear already… I was like what the heck!!! Walk faster don’t waste time??? Whose time I’m I wasting now???? All these just kept replaying in my head… I was going to explode!!

Finally we arrived at the lunch place, I put my bag down and stood outside trying to calm down as Lars and the French ladies was there too. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself infront of them… But what happened later didn’t help at all. Ramli came over to me and asked, Yang whats wrong? Not in a comforting tone and to me its more like a slightly frustrated tone.. I wanted to explain to him but only these words came out “Aku tak suka, he always tell me walk faster don’t waste time then I started to tear!!” Sigh Cindy Cindy I was saying to myself, whats wrong with you …Ramli replied and say he will tell Rahul later… I just turned and stared at the opposite direction from everyone else.. The tears didn’t stopped it kept coming…My Goodness about 15 mins than I managed to calm down a little.. Walked into the lunch hall to join the rest and I guess they all knew something was wrong, as Ramli told me my eyes are all swollen. Lars and Anna (one of the French ladies) asked if everything was alright, told them I’m just tired….

Sat down and I was thinking why did I get so emotional, I just could think that it might be the 6 days of strenuous walk and my tired body just couldn’t take it anymore… And it didn’t help to hear those words that Rahul had to say.. Sigh… A word of caution to anyone who wants to try and go for a trek of more then 5 days should be very well prepared and trained before you attempt.. It isn’t as easy as the guides say it would be… Another 6 days to go… I’m really scared and worried and tired…Help me please!! Heheh

While waiting for lunch, Lars challenged Hari to hand wrestle.. Rahul, Anna also joined in the fun… All of them lost to Hari… That is sad…Ramli took videos of the wrestle… Was funny and helped to perk me up a bit. Rahul apologise to me again later and I just node my head as I’m still a bit piss..

After lunch when we are getting ready to continue, Ramli decided he wanted to try “help” Mr Pasang with his 45kgs load with his head. Wahahahah he did a bit better than Lars but he said is really breaking his neck, really don’t know how the locals could do it. Salute!!

Ramli with the 45kgs load... ekkeke

Walked on and stopped when we saw the French ladies taking some pictures of 2 ladies with a baby… The baby is sooo cute!! I gave her a chocolate sweet … Than Anna and Donna decided to take a group pictures with everyone jumping off a bench… I tried once and gave up cause it was quite high up and another time might hurt my knees. They took a few more and we continued our walk for another 1.5hrs and arrived at Manang Village!!


We settled down and went out for a walk, this village is different from the rest. Its very beautiful with plots potatoes, buckwheat, carrot, cabbage, spinach. And the flowers of the potato and buckwheat is in bloom which made this village looked more beautiful.. The alleys was a first for us, all laid with stones and the houses are also all made of rocks and by hand.. Its so amazing to see even though the place is dirty, of course we couldn’t miss out the chance of taking pictures… Me and Ram had a lafuma commercial photo shoot and Lars and Hari got a piggy back photo shoot.. Wahahahah

Rahul met an old lady friend and she invited us to her house for tea.. We were all excited as this is a chance for us to see a local house. We walked into darkness and had to climb up a ladder cut out from a tree trunk up to the house. When upstairs we could see the view of Manang village and some of the neighbours houses…kekekke the roofs are all flat and you could jump from one roof to another… It was crazy… Anyone can jump into their house anytime…

View from Ms Pasang Kipa's House

After some pictures we went down to her living area to have tea. She boiled water with her kerosene cooker but we could see the stove which needs to use wood as fuel… It was a sight and an experience for us. While sitting and chatting we could see her room with a bed which was really simple. The floors are all made of mud and cement with no tiling or carpet. Just bear and grey…They really lead a very simple life.. The tiny living area and kitchen was together and have a small carpet a and cushion for seating with no table… But for this simple house there is a TV.. I guess this is still a necessity no matter how simple your life is… Wahahahah

We thank her and left after taking a pic with us. After leaving we asked Rahul what was her name and when he said I almost burst out laughing. Her name is Pasang Kipa... Isnt it similar to Pasang Kipas in Malay which means fix the fan… Kekekekekeke Rahul was telling us that she has a hotel at the next village and maybe we can have lunch there the next day on our way to Thorung Pedi. And for a Nepali she is very lucky as she has been to places… invited by her clients and all paid… She must be a very good hostess…

We slowly walked back to the hotel to have our dinner in the dark as today it is Pisang village turn to have power… Again we had to eat in the dark…. Enjoyed our dinner and chatted with Wendy the Belgium lady and Lars for a while and headed to rest for the night. As we need to acclimatize due to the high altitude we had to stay for another night. Yahoo!! Tomorrow we don’t have to wake up as early, breakfast about 0830hrs and just a climb up about 300m to the view point in Manang to acclimatize and come down to rest for the rest of the day… Finally some rest!!!

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