Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 21 Manang Acclimatization rest 19th July 09

Finally we had some rest after so many days of 12km walks daily for the past 7 days. This was a compulsory stop as we have to let our body acclimatize to the high altitude that we are at. We are at the moment at 3485m above sea level. Breathing thinner air is quite a challenge and I find myself breathless just doing prayers. For example, I have to take 3 breaths or more just to recite the Alfatehah. Hehehe….

View of Manang Village

Anyway we started the day 0900hrs today. Ate breakfast, then we headed out for a walk around the village. Or so we thought…. We were walking up a steep hill for a so called acclimatization exercise. It was a view point from where we are supposed to be able to see a glacier. It was quite steep but it was ok for me as we were not carrying any backpacks. Cindy had to stop a few times along the way as she was getting breathless. But after about 45 minutes we reached the place. Oh yeah before that we stopped at a place for a vantage view point of a Gangapurna lake that was nearby. It was awesome!!

Gangapurna Lake

View point

From the view point we could see the glacier from a far. We were told if want to it’ll be another 2 hours walk to the glacier. What did you think we opted for? Of course not walking another 2 hours!! Hahaha. Anyway the glacier doesn’t look that fantastic from where we were, all dark grey and dirty. Rahul and Hari told us that the glacier use to be bigger but due to global warming each year the glacier got smaller and smaller. it is very sad to know as we are not sure how long the glacier will be there.

Lars coming from the Right

Ramli camouflaged at the left

Ramli and Lars chattting away

Us with Dona, Anna, Lars, Hari..

We sat down and enjoyed the view of Manang village and after about 15mins the French ladies came along. Chatted with them for a while took a picture with them then we slowly headed down for lunch.

Mules carrying loads downhill

After lunch everyone was quite tired so decided to go and take a “power nap” as so we thought.. Me and Cindy slept till about 5pm… Wahahahah guess we are really tired. When we got up I went out and take a look and saw Lars walking outside. He said he slept till only about 3pm and went out to the “balcony” of the hotel to wait for us while reading a book as we are suppose to go for tea at Rahul’s lady friends house about 3pm.. Lars said at first it was 3.30pm than became 4.30pm than 5pm… wahahaha he said you guys really is taking a “nap”…. Apologize to him and freshen up and headed downstairs to have a tea and chatted with Lars and the guide while waiting for electricity to come…

As it was a resting day not much happened till dinner, same old dinner and chit chat.. And time for rest till tomorrow to climb up at least 1000m up to Thorong Pedi….

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