Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 39 New Delhi – 6th Aug 09

I woke up in the middle of the night not able to open my eyes… My goodness my eyes are sealed with the dried up mucus (apologize if anyone feel disgusted)… and both sides.. I had to slowly split open my eyes without getting my eyelash all off.. My body must be burning inside from the heat… Tried to go back to sleep …

Awoke about 0830hrs even with my right eye swollen and red still got up to get ready to get to the Pakistan Embassy… After haggling with 2 auto rickshaw drivers we got up paying Rp80 for a 7km journey.. Went to queue at the Visa enquiry counter outside the embassy. Got our forms to fill in and got to know we need a letter from Singapore Embassy before they could process our application.. My goodness what is this man!!.. we went into the queue again to ask if we really need the letter as it would be difficult for us to get a letter from Singapore when we are in India right!! He explained again we still need the letter but from the Singapore Embassy in Delhi which was just nearby … But he said that the embassy will close at 1130 hrs and if we need to submit application it will be tomorrow only… And said Singapore Embassy also close the same time.. I asked if we successfully submit by tomorrow when will we get our visa.. He said Tuesday… Alamak they really work “fast”…

Sigh no choice.. By now Ramli is a little agitated… and commented if we can don’t go to Pakistan.. But I told him if we don’t go there we cant cross into China and even if we take a flight, not sure if they fly direct into Xinjiang…

We got to get our application typed out at the makeshift tables with a old typewriter tended by middle aged man. Got our letters typed out at Rp50 each… The first man asked us to wait while he had someone with him… Actually there is another 2 other man just nearby.. When we wanted to walk to the other man he “OI” and asked to wait… while he was finishing the letter for a Dutch man… another Indian local came and he typed his letter first… Hmmm I was curious but Ramli got Furious!! He just took our passports and letter and wanted to go off, the man put his hand on the docs and tried to stopped. But Ramli just repeated Nononono and we walk off … hehehehhe

Anyway after we tried our luck at the Singapore Embassy even it is already 1140hrs… Got there and screened by the security and was escorted to the Visa application office.. The aircon here is all crisp and clean… We told the person what we need, he took our passports and asked us to wait… After about 5mins he ushered us into a interview room.. I was thinking like okay do we need to get interviewed? Sat and enjoyed the aircon about 5 mins later the Indian man walked out with our letter!!! Whoa… I even commented that was fast!! Checked the details on the letter and left… This is how Singaporean work!! Fast and Efficient and don’t have to pay for such minor things like somewhere we know…

We were glad and the next thing we got to do is to get to Standard Chartered to deposit the Rp600/each for visa fee to the Pakistan High Commission then we are done and ready to submit our docs tomorrow… We arrived at the bank and was surprised!! They do not have carbonized bank in slips!! You have to use the blue carbon paper not to size of the slip and Ramli had to fill in another one caused the copy didn’t get carbonized…… Alamak … okay.. Irma if you are reading, please feedback… Kekekkekeke

Anyway got it all done and time for head for lunch… Ramli wanted to have KFC again… Hehehehhe I guess we really hungry for some meat!! Headed to Connaught place KFC… I orderd a Zinger meal that comes with 1 pc chicken and 3 pc hot wings to share with Ramli.. when he got to the seat I saw there is 4 pcs of chicken, 2 zinger and the hot wings… He is really hungry he said so he ordered another 2 pc of chicken.. Whoa that is a lot of chicken for 2 days… Anyway enjoyed our lunch and slowly headed back to Paharganj area to find a decent hotel as the one we are staying is too hot and the toilet leaks water to the room… And the floors and bed linens is dirty…

Walked to a few recommended by LP and was thinking of Rak International Hotel which costs Rp750 a night as their rooms are clean with AC and had a round bed… Wahahahha but when we check out the room at Ajay Guest House!! We were convinced to stay there the next few days that we will be stuck here!! Their rooms and toilets are spotless and they have a 20” LCD TV and the room with aircon!! Costs Rp700 a night but we think it is more worth while to pay for this room than the one at White Empire Guesthouse which costs Rp400 with Fan and filthy sheets and toilet, not forgetting the toilet that leaks water to the room, flaking ceiling paints falling on to the bed, floor and everywhere… We

confirmed with the reception to reserve a room for us… I just cant wait to check in here!!

My Choc cake and coke

We recee the lobby and was even convinced, they have a small café selling pastries and cakes and also other meals for lunch/dinner.. with internet service at the café table if you have your own laptop or you can use the CPU in the internet café… Have stalls inside the lobby and most important it is airconditoned… wahahahahahha we sat there for 3 hrs to update our blogs and pictures finally!!

Left about 1830hrs to head back to our hotel for Solat and rest for the night.. . I am so looking forward to tomorrow night!!! Aircon !!! WAHAHAHAHHHAHA with a big grin on my face!!!

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