Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 40 New Delhi – 7th Aug 09

I awoke at about 0333hrs and was in a dazed and confuse.. My inflated pillow was deflated flat with the stopper pulled out… Hmmm did I do it in my dreams? Before I checked the watch I wasn’t sure if it was already morning or still midnight cause the light from the corridor shone into the room from the top window make it seems like it is already daylight…

Finally woke up about 0745hrs to pack up and check out of this lousy hotel and check in to the long awaited Ajay Guesthouse with the aircon…Walked over to the hotel got a AC room even though not the same one we saw yesterday but it is almost the same so we took it and it is only on the 2nd floor. As we need to go and submit our visa application at the Pakistan Embassy we enjoyed the room for like 10mins then went down to have the tasty breakfast and headed to the embassy.

Took the autorickshaw and arrived at about 1000hrs, submitted the docs and got a manual recipt to return on Monday for the interview than the visa should be ready by 12th… Since we have not don’t any sight seeing in Delhi yet.. We decided to go to any interesting nearest to the area. Checked the LP book and found that the Indira Gandhi museum is just round the corner..

MM Lee with Indira Gandhi

We followed the map printed in 2007 to find our way, after 2 wrong turns we finally found it and went in.. We thought Indira Gandhi was the mum of Mahatma Gandhi but checked again and got the facts right. Indira Gandhi is the daughter of the first prime minister when India became independent.. And when his dad was assassinated she was voted the 2nd prime minister but shortly after she was also assassinated and his Son Rajiv Gandhi became the 3rd prime minister. But was killed in a suicide bomb attack.. Seems the Indian politicians couldn’t stay very long on the post.. That’s what me and Ramli gathered after visiting this museum. Was a very well kept, air-conditioned and free museum. While we were inside many of the local tourists was also there and they were just shuffling and pushing thru, we weren’t sure if they were even looking.

place where Gandhi was shot

Local tourists

After we went to Smiriti Gandhi, museum about Mahatma Gandhi. The garden of the museum wasn’t that impressive but did show the final foot steps that Gandhi took before he was assassinated. After we went into the main building not expecting so much. But after we went to the 2nd level we were very very impress. It is a interactive museum, they had different rooms displaying the thoughts, the life, the philosophies and sorts of Gandhi and to view there is something that you have to do to be able to view. Things like turning the wheels etc.. We still did not know much of Gandhi even after the visit as we weren’t really concentrating but just wowed by the advance displays they have…Wahahhaha


It was about 1300hrs when we finished the second so Ramli decided it was time for lunch, so what else back to Connaught Place. Not for KFC but for Pizza this time.. Waited for our seat and ordered a family pizza, ceasar salad, chicken n tomato tortillas and a pitcher of lemonade… Think we are spending a bit too much on the lunches in Delhi… Enjoyed our tasty lunch and slowly headed back to the hotel to take a rest and enjoy the aircon!!!

But before that we had to go to the Railway reservation counter to get our train tickets to Jaipur on Wednesday. Bought our AC chair tickets for the 4.5hrs ride and costs us Rp930… Seems the train tickets is getting more and more expensive … We have got to start stinging a little the next few days..

Got back to the room lepak all the way.. Watch movies on the LCD tv .. ate chips and drank tea and honey room made… Nothing much happened today and guess would be the same tomorrow… Just going to lepak in the room and enjoy the aircon…..

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