Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 41 & 42 in New Delhi – 8th & 9th August 09

We just laze in the room on Saturday till about noon time, got up went for lunch at Sam’s café just across the road. I had chicken fried rice and Ramli had the butter chicken with rice.. Mine was normal and Ramli’s was good at first but too much of it just makes it taste so jelak.. Finished our lunch walked over to the train ticker reservation centre to have our tickets to Jaipur changed as we made mistake on the date..

Got there as usual have to wrestle with the locals over the queue.. Not sure why they like to stay so close to you in the queue. As if the closer they are the faster they can get to the counter.. Sigh… Anyways we got it settled about 40mins later and headed back to the hotel to start our uploading and updating of the blogs.. We sat from 1530hrs till 2300hrs uploading and updating and managed to chat with our dearest Izar and Irma for a few mins…

Morning came real fast today… 9th Aug… It is Singapore’s National Day!!! Happy Birthday to you… After only 42 days away from home and experiencing the life outside of our comfort zone it finally made us both realize how proud we are to be a Singaporean!! We finally really appreciates and LOVE LOVE LOVE our Singapore!!

India Gate

Kids having fun in the green algae water

The students from Kerala

Ladies doing Henna

the beggar kids..

Lady in orange have the same pose as me


We got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast and left for Old Delhi to visit the sights which are all mostly at this area.. in the Red Fort. Took a autorickshaw and when we arrived the driver told us it was close? We like huh sure? We asked him to stop at the entrance and we saw a sign “Close from 8th till 15th Aug” My goodness, the driver said should be due to the Independence Day parade preparation.. Not our Luck!! So we asked the driver to go to Gandhi Memorial Museum which was in Old Delhi but he drove and drove till we almost arrived at Gandhi Smirti which we already went on Friday so asked him to turn back to Delhi Gate which was the only place we could go..

Got down the rickshaw and was anxious to know what price we have to pay? He asked for Rp200!!! Blood sucker!! No choice had to pay and walked over to the India gate, this is a war memorial constructed to remember the soldiers that died during the Afghan War.. Took some pictures and rested a while nearby.. Took pictures of the locals and headed to Connaught place to have lunch.. And guess what’s for lunch??? KFC of course!! Wahahahah we are having a Chicken Frenzy !!

Finished our lunch headed back to the hotel to rest as there wasn’t much we could do already…

Went down to the café and continued to upload pictures and update our blogs … Had dinner and rested for the day and await tomorrow to go for our interview at the Pakistan Embassy… *cross fingers all goes well..

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