Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 53 New Delhi to Amritsar 20th Aug 09

We slept at about 0100hrs and with a winked of the eye it is already 0330hrs.. Time for us to wake up and get ready to go to the train station to catch our train. Left the hotel at 0411hrs and walked over to the New Delhi station.

When we arrived we checked on the board where our train 1057 would be stopping at.. It didn’t appeared on the led screen so we decided to check at the main hall. So it will be stopping at platform 2.

I was turning and walking towards the bridge when Ramli signaled to just walk over the platform as the train was already there and platform 1 was empty. I was reluctant as one I knew the tracks will have poo and urine from the trains that was stopping there as the toilets in the train do not store the poo/urine. The toilet bowls are like toilet holes, whatever you “let go” it goes out directly. And two the platform was very high and it is difficult for me to get down cause of my short legs and my heavy backpack. He looked insistent so I just went with the flow. He helped me stepped down the platform and I was very careful looking on where I was stepping even though it was still dark. We cross 2 tracks and was near our train. He hopped over the track and was climbing up the steps of the train. I followed behind as it was dark I couldn’t see clearly,

I hopped over and the next thing I know my right leg went right into a ditch or drain with water in it cause I could feel the water splashing.. I think the depth of the ditch or drain is up to my calf.. I fell flat on the floor as I couldn’t keep my balance due to the heavy backpack.. You could imagine my reaction at that moment. I was cursing as I knew that I should have stepped into the SHIT HOLE!!! Cause my hands are all black and I don’t even want to allow myself to start smelling.. I wanted to cry but the tears wont come out… I tried my bests to get up on my feet. Ramli turned and asked what happen ?? I was so mad but didn’t shout and just said I fell into the shit hole and continued cursing softly. The worst thing was there was a local Indian lady standing at the cabin which we were entering.. She looked at me and I didn’t even have the cheek to glance at her cause I am so embarrassed, I could feel that she wanted to help or say something but I just walked … This is my most embarrassing and stupidest moment thus far thru this trip!!!

We got to the other side of the platform looking for B1 coach. I was still cursing and was so mad at Ramli at that moment cause I don’t understand why he had to cross the tracks when we could have just walked up the bridge and arrived safely on the other side. So many thoughts ran thru my mind and I was really really really mad!!! We couldn’t stop to check if I had stepped into a Shit hole or something else cause the train will be leaving soon… But I just wanted to scream at Ramli cause it was his idea to walk on the track but I kept my cool.

While walking water is dripping down my legs and my shoes are all soaked.. People are looking at me but I just couldn’t bother anymore.. I’m just fuming!! Got to the coach got in and Ramli kept asking me if my legs are alright I just nodded or maybe said okay. I couldn’t remember, I’m just too angry to say anything… He asked me to go clean myself up and luckily the toilet was clean and no smell of urine or poo… I really wanted to cry which I think would make me feel better but the tears just couldn’t come out.. I was angry that my clothes got dirty and my shoes all black…. Ohh I didn’t mention if it was poo or … It was black oil with water, I think use for greasing the tracks… When I was trying to get it off my hands and legs I don’t know if I was “lucky” cause at least it isn’t poo… I manage to clean up myself and the shoes which is still stained with black oil and went back to the coach.

Ramli was sitting there waiting for my return and I could see on his face and hear from his voice that he felt bad about what happened.. But still I was angry and couldn’t talk to him yet. He helped to wash my vaude bag which was also stained. I did my solat and told went to sleep all the while trying to calm myself down… I think I only got to sleep about 30mins later cause my mind just couldn’t calm down….

The cabin

I got up about 1030hrs and found that Ramli was already awake reading his book and told me he bought the omelette toast for me but is cold already. I got up wash my face and had my breakfast . He asked if I was okay… I said I was okay and showed him the big bruise on my right thigh, a bruise on my left knees and scratches on my right palm… Again I could sense that he still feel very bad about what happened but now I had cool down and just talk to him normally not wanting to bring up about what happen earlier… Not now I thought… Maybe later, but I had to tell him….

The coach we were on was very empty.. we had the whole berth to ourselves. We read our books and watch the villages pass by. Ramli asked the guy who was in charge of the pillows and linens what time the train will arrive and he said 5pm. We took naps and read our books and when 5pm but we have yet to arrive at Amritsar. Waited and waited for the train to move .. Finally about 6pm we arrived at Amritsar station. Got our bags and got down the train. Got up a auto rickshaw to the area near the Golden Temple which was said on the lonely planet that there is many guesthouse over there..

We walked around got on a rickshaw looking for a hotel stated on the LP, we checked the room but wasn’t please for the price they are charging. We walked down the same street and check another Hotel Chand which was clean and looked they have just refurbished the place so we confirmed. After putting down our bags and freshening up we got out to go catch the sunset from the Golden Temple.

Golden Temple

Entrance to the temple was free. No shoes are allowed so we had to deposit at the shoe counter for no charge. Ramli had to borrow a scarf from the bin outside to cover his head and luckily I brought my pashmina. Before we enter there is a small pool for the devotees or visitors to wash their feet. When we went in Ramli told me he saw a few male devotees taking the water and drinking it .. Gosh that is disgusting…

Sunset and Golden Temple

Ramli had to use their scarf to cover his Aurat..

Golden Temple by night

The Golden Temple looks just like in the pictures surrounded by a big pool. When we entered the sun was just setting and the view was beautiful. Devotees were walking round the pool to get to the main entrance of the temple. We sat down beside the pool to enjoy the view. After a while we notice that the Sikhs are also bathing in the pool just like how the hindus did in Varanasi. But their water is way way cleaner as we could see big fishes swimming in the water which means that the water wasn’t that contaminated so the fishes could survive. This temple is very well maintained with guards walking around the area checking on the devotees and tourists. The pool has also chains for devotees to hold on to if they are doing down for a deep.

Amritsar is different from the other parts of India, cleaner and more orderly. We were thinking that it might be the Sikhs that made the different as they seem to be cleaner than the Indians.. Hehehehehe

We hang around at the temple for about 1 hr waiting for the sun to set and catch the night view of the temple. After we left and went looking for dinner. Ramli suggested Dominos Pizza so we went and check if they are halal ? We walked in and saw that they do not serve meat and is 100% vegetarian. Alright than we should try it out. We orderd a medium pizza, a garlic bread and 2 pastas. We enjoyed the dinner and left to wander the streets.

Vege pizza


Ramli was fascinated with the swords they sold eventhough he couldn’t get one he bought a pocket knife for just Rp150 instead.

We went back to the hotel after and rest for the night and watched movies on HBO in the room.

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