Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 54 Amritsar to Lahore 21st Aug 09

We woke up when we wanted to and got out to have breakfast and look for our transport alternatives to Attari the border to Pakistan. When we got out of the hotel the sky was all dark and was going to rain soon. We quickly walked towards a restaurant to hide from the rain which was already falling. I had veg chowmein and Ramli had butter dosa and masala dosa. We finished our food but it was still raining but we didn’t think much of the rain and just got out to look for the tourists information which was suppose to be near the Golden Temple.

We arrived there and didn’t see any tourist information counter, walked to the back of the temple and saw a police post and decided to ask the police. When Ramli was asking the police a sikh man with red turban who was approaching the police heard and said we could take the taxi at about 3.30pm if we wanted to watch the closing ceremony. But we said we wanted to cross the border to Pakistan. So he said it will costs Rp450 which was the standard price. We confirmed with him and he sent us to the hotel to grab our bags to check out. Yeah!! Finally we will be leaving India..

We arrived at Attari at about 1300hrs, paid the taxi driver and ignored his demand of tips and walked to the customs office. Got our passports and bags checked thoroughly and walked across the somehow orderly and systematic India customs towards Pakistan custom office. I was impress as thus far we have gone thru 3 India border customs this is the only one with computerize system. But when we arrived at the Pakistan customs we were more impress, their customs is like the ones we have in Singapore with x ray baggage checks. Everything was finished within 5mins. Impressive !!

Actually we planned to watch the closing ceremony between India and Pakistan before heading to Lahore but after we checked again the ceremony is only starting at 1900hrs and it is only about 1400hrs when we are done at the check point. A man we met told us that the ceremony is here everyday you can come again tomorrow or something and don’t have to wait here for so long. What he said is true so we headed outside and was ushered to a book shop. Hmmm I wonder why but anyway we wanted to sell our India Lonely Planet book so we went and asked the nice young man how much it costs.. He could take the book at PKR400 so we sold it to him. He offered us to sit at the shop while looking if we wanted to get the Middle East LP.. While looking he asked if we had the Pakistan guidebook but we said we already had it. He ask to show it to him and flip thru the pages and showed us the page about the Wagah border talking about a very friendly and helpful Mr Latif and his book shop. Ohh so we said so you are Mr Latif… Kekkekekek he just smiled humbly.

He offered Ramli Chai and I had mango drink from the bottle. And the Chai is free only had to pay for the mango drink. After a few mins a old man came along who spoke very good English came and sat with us and started chatting with us. Hmmm we were thinking we have met the nicest local people thus far after coming from India. We chatted for a while and a taxi guy was offering us his service to Lahore at PKR600 we agreed and he was like rushing and kept telling us is time to go… hheheheh so we quickly finish our drink and went with him. Seems every backpacker passing here will head to the Regal Internet Inn in Lahore to stay.. Cause they also asked if we were going there..

After about 1hour taxi ride thru the roads of Pakistan we arrived in Lahore at Regal chowk where the guesthouse was. Thru the ride we realize that Pakistan is much cleaner than India to compare with and even there is rubbish around at some places it isn’t as smelly as India.. Hmm maybe not much people practice to urine in public.

We went up to the dark stairwell to Regal Internet Inn check the double room with communal toilet costing PKR440/night which was alright so we settled in. Right after putting down our bags we headed out to look for lunch. Beef deprived Ramli was wanting to go to Macdonalds to have the double cheeseburger or big mac!! NO fail he had to go there. We asked the hotel guy where it was he gave us instructions and we left.

After walking about 15mins we seems to be lost and could not find it and we asked the way from another man and he showed us again where it was. We walked up the road and from a far we saw the big Macdonalds signboard and quickly headed over. After walking around the building we couldn’t see any Macdonalds in sight. So Ramli went into a shop to ask for directions. And seems the guy said that is not here is 4-5km away from here at Fortress Stadium… Hmmm so we hailed a rickshaw and headed there..

We arrived at the Fortress Stadium and was surprised to see the similarity of these place with the shops in Australia. It is like a area with many small shops selling everything and with all the fast food outlets all around. Again we were very impressed. Quickly we got down and rush over to Mac.

Went straight to the counter and check if they serve beef. And YES they did and they had quarter pounder!! We ordered a quarter pounder meal each and a 9 piece nugget. Whoa Ramli’s first bite into the beef was like “haven” for him… For me is the nugget that made me go yummmmy… The nuggets are hot and juicy… Tasty!! Of course Ramli didn’t stop there, he went and bought another 2 cheese burger…. He is really beef deprived!!


Looks at his grin * )

my turn ..

The shopping area at the Fortress Stadium

After we headed out to go wander around the shops at the area and stumble upon a big supermarket with the name Hyperstar… Hmmm the logo and colors is similar to Carefour.. Not sure if it was a copy cat or they had to give it another name… We went in and was convinced it should be Carefour with another name as the décor and the way the things are displayed is the same.. We are so happy to go to a big supermarket after so long… Makes us feel like home.. Got some stuffs and headed out to continue with our adventure… We saw a few copies of KFC that are selling the same thing and the name so similar AFC ? …heheh Al-Nair Fried Chicken or something…

Sinbad ?

About 2100hrs we decided to head back to the hotel to rest for the night and to check if Ramadhan was confirmed as we asked around before at the customs they were saying it isn’t confirm to start on Saturday 22 Aug but is confirmed to start on Sunday 23.. When we reached the hotel we asked the guy and he said is confirmed tomorrow as he is also muslim. Alrighty we will go for sahur with him tomorrow as he said the road side stalls are open and he will be going also…

So we rested for the night after listening to 2 musicians played Sufi music with their flute and drums ….

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