Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 59 Gilgit 26th Aug 09

Today we decided that we would wake up later and slowly make our way to visit Kargah Buddha. A place just about 7km from Madina Guesthouse with a carving of a Buddha from the 7th century on the face of a mountain.

We went out and saw Felix sitting at the dining area and asked what was his plan and he wanted to follow us. But he said he was planning to go to Deosai Plains with Carlos and was waiting for him to get back on the price so he couldn’t follow us. We asked for the directions from Irfan the friendly staff and left and was on our way.

Just about 10mins away from the Guesthouse, Felix came running towards us and said that he would follow us to Kargah Buddha. We took our time slowly walking thru the bazaars of Gilgit and stopped at a bridge across the river to enjoy the view and took some pictures before we moved on. The bridge seems old but still sturdy enough to hold the vehicles that was passing thru to the other side.

Felix the German Guy

View of the bridge

On the way we pass shops and houses with the locals all greeting us and welcoming us to their country. This was nice feeling for us as we didn’t expect the Pakistani to be so friendly after all they are also part Indians.. We met a old man on the way who told us that we should take a jeep up and than walk down which will be easier, but we told him we will walk slowly no hurry and he replied it is okay for you young ones… Kekekkekeke

Before long we were passing by a residential area and saw a teenager sitting just outside his house greeting us and invited us to his house for tea. We were glad to visit a local house so we agreed but told him no need for tea cause we are fasting. He invited us into his cool and cosy house. He introduced his brother and nephew to us while we chatted with him. The house was simple with cushion mattress at lining the sides of the living area and the floor was all carpeted. He pointed to a picture which was hanging at the wall and said that the man is the supreme leader of Islam from Iran.. So we guessed he should be Shitte muslim. Chatted and sat about 15mins and decided to be on our way.

The boys that invited us

We left the house thanking him for his invite and slowly went on our way up to our destination. The day was really hot and the 3 of us was trying our bests to keep our fasts. About 10mins away from the teenagers house we saw him coming towards us with a friend and his brother and told that he would bring us to the Kargah Buddha.

The kids we met on the way

We followed them thru their short cuts which was really arduous for us, steep up slopes, crossing rivers etc…And finally after 30mins or so we arrived and saw the Buddha carving which wasn’t as impressive as we thought it would looked. Stayed and rested for a while before we headed back. Again they brought us thru their short cuts which was really difficult for us under the hot sun. But some of the paths they brought us was really beautiful. We could view the city from the top walking along the water channels..

we are tired.... Especially Felix..whahah

The buddha carvings

Finally we arrived.

The whole geng

Felix was all the time thinking of Mango milk shake and for me my eyes are just seeing glass bottles of coke and fanta orange… I couldn’t think of anything else cause I’m so dehydrated and so thirsty.. whahahah

Walked for about 2 hours or so we finally parted ways and went on the main road back to Madina guest house. It was about 1700hrs when we arrived, we rested for a while offered our solat and went out to await for Iftar. We joined the staffs for the Iftar and later had our main dinner while chatting to Carlos, Felix, Howard and Mr Beck. Mr Beck have so many stories to tell and Carlos would always get him excited telling him the current weapons of war. It was really nice listening to Mr Beck tell his life story.

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