Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 65 Gilgit to Karimabad 1st Sep 09

the dining area

We did some laundry the night before so we didn’t leave so early as we needed to wait for the laundry to dry. At about 0930hrs I looked out the window and saw Felix and Howard already sitting in front of the TV watching a soccer game. We got up and got ready to leave.

Take some pics before we leave


Got our bags, checked out and bid our final farewell to the staffs of Madina, Howard and Carlos before we finally leave Gilgit. Got to the bus station and bought our tickets for the ride to Karimabad at Pkr140/pax = SGD3/pax. We asked for the departure time and the driver told us it depends on the passengers, they will only go if their van is full.. Oh my how long do we have to wait cause we were the first 3 there. We sat around waited and waited and finally at about 1300hrs the van was filled with people and we are ready to go.

The van stopped for lunch at about 1500hrs and we could see the locals who were on the bus walking into the restaurant to have their lunch. Hmmm we were thinking they should be Ismailis as we heard they don’t fast.. Is weird..

Anyways we continued on the bumpy bumpy bumpy ride for another few hours and arrived at Karimabad about 1800hrs. We were so tired sitting in the squeezy van that we didn’t even know we were at Karimbad until a local man sitting behind us asked us where we were heading and which hotel we were staying at. So he said he will the driver to stop when is near. So bearly 1 min later he told us we have arrived.. Hmm that was fast luckily he approached us otherwise the 3 of us would be dreaming away…

Check into the 3 dorm room for Pkr125/bed = SGD2.50/bed with attached bathroom. Freshen up and went to wonder the streets. Before Felix chatted up with the Karachi lady we met at the dining hall when we were walking in. Felix told us that this lady was telling him about her life story.. She use to take a lot of drugs and drank a lot, she didn’t have to work cause she gets money from her dad. The Dad gave up on her and she came to Karimabad since April till now and has no money. .. Hmmm no wonder she speaks really weird and slow..

We walked along the water channel for about 30mins and walked up narrow stone stairs passing peoples houses.. Karimabad is a very beautiful village, snow caped mountains surrounding with many greens and apple trees around. We had a slow stroll along the streets, when Ramli saw a barber shop he told Felix since he needed a shave.. We sat and see him getting shaved by the locals and the shave even come with a face massage.. It costs him Pkr70 = SGD1.25 which we thought was expensive and Felix said the price is totally made up.. As we don’t think that the locals would pay so much to have their beard shaved…

We ventured around and headed back to the hotel at about 1900hrs. Along the way we saw a banner showing Iftar Dinner Buffet Pkr400 at a Baltit Inn Hunza hotel. We decided to check out the menu. We saw the manager of the hotel and he brought us around the hotel compound towards the restaurant. This is a 5 star hotel!!! The decorations and the rooms are fantastic!! We asked how much it costs for a room and when we heard we just told him it is too expensive for us… Pkr2000 to Pkr4000/room = SGD35 to SGD70/room.. Even though on normal standards it isn’t expensive compared to Singapore but since we are on a budget trip we couldn’t splurge this…

We got to the restaurant and was showed the menu for the iftar dinner, 3 of us was so tempted to have dinner there but told them we will be back again. We discussed and thought we would come maybe the next few days.

Headed back to Haider Inn where we are putting up to order dinner but was told they only have a vegetarian course dinner at Pkr130 = SGD2.30.. So alright no choice we ordered that. Sat down and waited patiently for our dinner to be served. It took them quite a long time but luckily we bought some local dried apricots and mulberry for iftar..

Finally dinner was served at about 2020hrs, we had noodle soup, dhal curry, sweet & sour veg, rice, desert and green tea. That is cheap and the food taste good!! We met a german couple with 2 kids and a english lady while having dinner. They were staying at the Mulbery Inn just up the road from our place.. Chatted with them and was so amazed that the germany couple has been travelling for 4 yrs plus now and the wife gave birth to a son in India about 21mths ago… They drove from Germany in the VW van to South America, United States to Singapore, Indonesia and India and now in Pakistan. They would be heading home this November…

The husband was telling us that his son Suria was born to be a criminal.. After he was born in India he had no citizenship and had to go thru so many procedures just to sort his nationality out. After sorting out in India Suria and mum had to fly back to Germany to register his birth and was asked many questions about it also.. Must be an experience for them. Their little girl Maya 5+yrs was the smartest girl I ever met.. She reminds me of little Lysha…She can speak English and German fluently.. Suria and Maya loves spicy food, the dhal they serve is so spicy but they seem to enjoy it so much..

The dad was telling us what Maya said the other day when they were all going to sleep in their van.. Maya was looking up in the sky and suddenly she said to her parents… Someone must have done a lot of work hanging up all the lights in the sky… Ohhhhhhhhh…

The English lady has been travelling for a few months now in India and now Pakistan. She is volunteering to be a English teacher here in Karimbad. She hitched a free ride with the Germans from Gilgit the day before.

We chatted with them but all the while I was looking at the lady from Karachi, she have this really weird look on her face.. She smoke and was staring with her eyes wide open into the thin air .. She have a really vicious look on her face… The drugs must have damaged her brain so bad…. All the best to her we guess..

After we checked with the hotel cook if they have Sahur for us and he said have to check with the old man cause they aren’t fasting only the old man is.. After a while the old man came to us and told us that we are travelers so we don’t have to fast but we told him we are trying, but seems he is reluctant to get us any food so we told him is alright we will figure out.. We have some instant noodle with us so we decided to cook something for sahur…

Went back to our rooms and rested for the night…

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