Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 26 Pokhara – 24th July 2009

While having breakfast

Today we had a breakfast date with Dawa and Wendy at 0830hrs, thought we wanted to just sleep in and wake up when we wake up.. But since it will be a nice Sunny day we got out to meet them at Newari Kitchen just 10mins walk from the hotel. We got ready and peep out the window to check if they are outside waiting for us, but we only saw the hotel guy walking in the room and seems to be cleaning up the room… Oh no did they check out already without informing us? I asked Ramli to walk over and just check things out and he said their bags are still inside.. Phew… wahahah and the guy told us that they have went about 15mins earlier to the Newari Kitchen to wait for us…

We went and walk along the street looking out for Newari Kitchen, after 10 mins we saw and went in. They were sitting upstairs.. The restaurants decorations look like we were in Bali… Very warm and chill out… Saw them having fresh mango which they have bought while walking here…We ordered our breakfast which costs only 90NPR which was 2 eggs cook to your choice, 2 toast, butter and jam, coffee or tea and fried potato.. That is CHEAP!! Only SGD1.80 or less… We were chatting about what we did and ate the day before…

While enjoying our breakfast we saw a familiar face walking towards us.. It was Rahul our guide… He looks tired and he told us the just arrived in Pokhara after changing 10times jeep and bus and had to stay the night in Beni in some super sloppy accommodation cause the hotels are all fully booked… Woa we felt bad but we thought that he should have waited for the flight instead of going thru the ordeal… We invited him to have breakfast with us and after he left to check in the hotel to clean up and rest…

Time just seem to past so fast when we are with Dawa and Wendy, we just chatted about everything and anything and seems we know them for so long… When we finally decided to move our ass to go cycle around the lake as planned it was already about 1130hrs.. My goodness…

We walked down the streets to look for bicycle rental and 3 of us got what we wanted and Wendy wasn’t satisfied with hers so she went to rent from another place which was 5NPR cheaper than ours and her bike is of a better condition… Anyway we went off happily towards the direction on the left side of the lake… Yahoo finally we don’t have to walk…

First League

Just us Cow boy and girl..

The view was superb, we saw padi fields and villages working .. Saw children trying to fish from the padi fields.. Hmm this was a first for all of us.. How did the fishes get in? Dawa was telling us that there might be heavy rain the pass days and caused the water in the lake to rise thus overflooding into the padi fields…So that is why there is fish in the padi fields..We stood there watching 3 of them putting their bait and throwing the line into the fields.. The little girl showed us their catch for the day… Fishes size of our palms or slightly smaller all hang by the mouths on a bamboo branch… Wow good job guys… We carried on cycling enjoying the sceneries and busy saying “Nameste” the the villages we pass…

Dawa taking a picture of me and wendy

Wendy, Dawa and Me

When we pass another village we saw school children just leaving school for home.. there was these 3 little boys who was walking pass us and one of them shouted… Picture picture!! So I asked if they wanted to have their pictures taken.. He said yes yes so Ramli took some pictures for them and they were happy and satisfied when they saw their faces on the camera screen.. 3 brothers I asked? Yes Yes!! And after photos were taken they hurried home and said bye to us and ran off … Its so nice to see the village school children so innocent and easily satisfied with the littlest things… This wont happen ever in Singapore

The 3 brothers

Race race race!!

Along the way another 2 students appeared and was racing Ramli and Wendy by foot …. They ran as fast as they could to try and out run both of them on the bicycle… It was so fun to see and I felt a different kind of joy… I cant explain my joy but I guess this children just gave me back my childhood… It was such a great experience for me personally, it is just so wonderful to see the village children they are different and touched my heart..…

The Padi Fields

When they finally gave up the race, one of the boys also requested to have a picture taken with his friend… And again was very happy to see their own faces and kept giggling… We carried on and they followed us and when I pass them the same boy said “ Can I sit?” I told him sure but please sit with the man infront… If you come with me you will fall.. Wahahah so I called out for Ramli to “tong pang” him … He hopped on and dropped him off about 5 mins later beside a river, he had to cross with river to get to his house… This boy is so smart and speaks very good English.. When he got up the “float” like thing to cross over he again shouted picture take PICTURE… when Ramli took it he shouted from a far and ask if it was nice!! Heehehehe I just couldn’t stop smiling … It is just these simple words and innocent faces that made my day…

We carried on cycling looking for the next village to get some sugar as Wendy said… It was a hot day… We cycled right to the end and sat down at a torn down eating place… We ordered our drinks and rested for about 30 mins… We tried the local fish curry which was good… And later Dawa requested them to fry some small fishes for snacks… Me and Ramli tried and was hooked… You could eat the while fish and the chilli was fantastic!! We ordered a second serving…

Young girls taking a shower

While resting we saw a few little girls showering at the local tap.. Seems so much fun for them just spraying water on each other… 1 girl came later to wash her own school uniform, shoes and socks as school is close on Sat so she had to clean up.. She is about 10yrs old if not mistaken… 2 pigtails and with big red ribbon tied on her hair… Wendy went over to have a chat with the girls…

After we slowly headed back to Pokhara central but first stopping at another café to get the final rest and have some snack for lunch before we head back… When we almost reached to return the bicycle Dawa suggested that we cycle to the lakeside and take a look since me and Ramli haven’t been there yet…Wendy had to check her mail so we went without her… We should have went with her cause just seconds we parted it started to rain… We just ignored and carried on but when we arrive the lakeside jetty it got quite heavy so we headed back returned the bicycle and walked back to the hotel all drenched…

View of the lake from the Village

We had dinner with Dawa and Wendy after we showered and rest for the day to get ready for the 6hours bus ride back to Thamel the next morning at 0730hrs…

Today was a great and fun day!!

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