Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 27 to 29 Thamel – 25th till 27th July 2009

We had to be at the lobby at 0700hrs to get a taxi with Wendy and Dawa to get to the bus station… Went down at 0700hrs and they were already there drinking tea… Seems we are always late.. Kekeekkeke

Rahul also was there but he wasn’t taking the bus with us, he bought van tickets to Kathmandu instead.. Phew… It was relief for me cause I am getting a bit “sick” of him being in our face for a while and what happened during the trekking trip, I never really got over it.. And adding on, the way he talks and wanting to borrow our ipod, laptop and iphone just got me a bit of the track…

Like when we were in Muktinath he asked Ramli without any hesitation to borrow his Iphone cause he is so bored and needed some music. As the phone had personal and confidential data on it we could not borrow it to him to use it in private.. So we rejected him and he didn’t ask further, but later he asked for my ipod… So we thought ok fine since we have the laptop we could just listen to songs from the laptop.. Morning came and he came back with the ipod but battery was flat.. As we were leaving we didn’t have time to charge it.. When we reach Jomsom the next day afternoon he asked for it again and saying the same reason he is bored… I told him we didn’t have time to charge it yet and he insists and persisted that we charge it and borrow to him… Hmmm and some other things just kept adding on and I just couldn’t accept the way he was acting… so was relief that we will be taking separate buses that day..

We arrived at the bus station and saw the French ladies there and also the American father and son where we met during the trek… Chatted for a while and headed on to our own buses to be on our way to Kathmandu..

Our bus wasn’t full, was a smooth and easy ride with stops for breakfast and lunch.. But the day was real hot and stuffy… After about 7hrs we arrived in Kathmandu city with no hic ups… As we could not remember where Hotel Hana was, Dawa helped to call the hotel and one of the guy volunteered to pick us up half way..

We parted ways with Wendy and Dawa and said to meet up again for dinner or something the next few days.. When we were walking towards to hotel we saw Rahul… Oh My God… Just chatted for a while and checked in and got our bag already in the room.. Unpacked did some laundry and rested for a while before we went out to find some snacks and do some shopping for toiletries and provisions..

We came back to the room about 0630hrs did our prayers and felt a little sleepy so thought we would take a nap and wake up later to cook Maggie for dinner… Before we knew I woke up and checked the watch twice and confirmed it was already 2330hrs.. My goodness we must be very tired or sleepy… We woke up brushed our teeths and wash our face and went back to sleep… till the next day…

Morning came and we finally got the chance to wake up only when we wanted to… in the afternoon we went out to the Pakistan embassy to check on our expiring visa and only knew we could not extend but have to reapply for another.. Since it takes about 2-3 working days we decided we will do it when we are in Delhi as we don’t want to be stuck here for so long… Headed back to Thamel for lunch than went back to the room and rest “lepak”…

5 mins after we reach the hotel seems that Rahul could hear us or something.. He came knocking on our door and asked if we wanted to go for dinner as he had found the Halal restaurant, we told him we were just having Maggie as we spent to much money for the trekking so we needed to thrift a little… He left us after a while and we ate dinner and after got a call from Dawa inviting us to join them for dinner. Since we already ate we just join them for tea… We asked Rahul along as it wont be polite of us to leave him out since he is staying at the same hotel as us…

After the tea and cake session with them, we agreed to meet up tomorrow for breakfast and visit Durbar Square and after Bodha Nath Temple with them since they are heading to Dawa’s house which is near Bodha Nath…

Garden of Dreams

Looking for something?

Entrance to the Garden of Dreams

Feeling Model

Another day in Thamel, but today we woke up with rain falling.. Finally Monsoon is here? We got ready and was going to head to meet them at their hotel but the reception told us that Dawa had called and ask to cancel the appointment as it was pouring.. So headed back to the room made teh o and had cake for breakfast… Ramli was sorting photos on the laptop and watching tv, I felt so sleepy so took nap till about 1233hrs before I finally wake up and we decided to go look for lunch.. We walked around Thamel and finally stumbled upon a halal restaurant!! Potala Restaurant.. Woo finally some CHICKEN!! We were so desperate to eat chicken we orderd curry chicken and chilly chicken with some other dishes and finished it… The plates are real cleaned and shiny.. Whahahahah

After lunch we tried to walk to Durbar Square but got lost after about 1hr or walking.. So decided to head back to Thamel have some black tea and snacks while we wait for the dinner at 1930hrs with Lars whom will arrive in Thamel today from Pokhara and Wendy and Dawa…

Dinner came and it was nice to meet up with Lars again and a Scottish friend he met on the bus on the way back … Dinner wasn’t that delicious but the company was great!! After we headed to the New Orleans bar to meet up with the French ladies again before the leave Kathmandu tomorrow for France… We ordered our hot drinks and the bar was already closing but still no sign of them… When we stood up to prepare to leave they came . They got here late cause they were having dinner at another restaurant… Chatted for a while and made plans with Lars, Wendy and Dawa to meet up tomorrow morning for breakfast and a tour to Durbar Square..

Bid our farewells and good nights and headed back to the hotel..

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