Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 32 Thamel to Chitwan – 30th July 2009

Didn’t sleep well after cause Ramli was tossing and turning as the small nepali bed is too short for his long legs. Finally doze off but was again awaken at about 0200hrs with a super aching stomach!! I feel a diarrhoea coming.. My Goodness!! Couldn’t there be a better time… Sigh I couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore and had to go, this time I told Ramli I’ll go on my own… Again tip toed to the toilet outside let it all out and felt a little better but still having the pain in my stomach… After I was sleeping and waking and sleeping and waking up… Could hear Hari’s dad snoring then after Dipendra coughing cause the day before he was playing in the rain… Finally 0400hrs came and time for us to wake up… Hari woke us up and gave us black tea for breakfast, another bed tea just like Sikkim.. Hehehhe but I didn’t drink cause I think I got the stomachache from the food or drink.. Didn’t want to make it worst I didn’t drink but dear Ramli helped me even he was also feeling funny in his stomach.

We bid our farewell to Hari’s wife and Dipendra and went on our way on a early morning “trek” down to the invisible bus stand. Hari could walk in the dark… Don’t know how he do it.. Both of us equipped with the tiny lighter torch still stepped into puddles of water.. After 15 mins we arrived at the foot of the hill got into the van at the front and waited for the other villages to come and fill up the seats… Ladies were carrying their huge baskets which seems to be carrying vegetables for the market getting up… After about 10mins the van filled up ..

Arrived at the invisible interchange at about 0515hrs, got up the other van heading to Thamel and again waited for it to be filled up. At this junction there was a huge pile of rubbish which wasn’t cleared by the garbage collectors who are all on strike since 7 days ago as they are demanding for higher wages… Hari told us this strikes happen every month… Oh my.. It is also the same piles of rubbish in Thamel also, even infront of the temples in Durbar Sq and infront of the Stupas.. Hmm we couldn’t understand… But like Ramli said at least they throw everything together in a pile and not everywhere… And at this pile of garbage there were old people going thru the rubbish not sure looking for what.. The stench was terrible…

The van left the interchange and we arrived at Thamel about 0545hrs, just enough time for us to shower and do the final pack up and meet Lars at the junction to head for the bus station for our bus to Chitwan. Bid our final farewell to Hari and went to the hotel..

Met Lars at the junction at went on our way to the tourist bus stop. Got up the bus and were on our way on the 5 hours journey to Chitwan. Me and Ramli just slept all the way till we have to stop for breakfast and after continued sleeping till we arrived at Chitwan. Lars as usual couldn’t sleep and was trying to read his 600pages book…

Got down and Eden Jungle Resort already have staffs to picked us up. Hopped on the push start jeep and headed to the hotel. Chitwan village was like other villages in Nepal.. No much of a different.. Arrived and was given Fanta orange as welcome drink. There was another 2 lady with us, Christine from Barcelona and Joanna from New Castle.. We made friends and was chatting with them about their journey. After the manager of the resort came and spoke with us about our package and what we could do this afternoon. As our package was only 2 d 1 night we could only do the elephant riding at 3pm and nothing else till tomorrow maybe Tharu Village tour… Hmmm we asked how much it costs to extend one more night as Ramli was interested to see the cultural dance happening tomorrow and for me the canoeing.. USD15/night/pax… So we thought ok why not just do it.. So for today we wait till about 1630hrs for the Tharu village visit and Lars will go for the elephant ride alone as he had a morning flight to catch on Sat to Delhi so he couldn’t stay longer.

We chatted with Joanne till about 1600hrs before we got to our rooms to get what we need for the tour.. The manager took us on the “tour” which was actually just around the corner, the village we saw on our way there.. Hmmm so many kinds of different houses nice and big ones and the traditional ones made of dried grass and cow dung… and if it rains the bottom of the houses will fall apart but they will just need to fix it back with more cow dung.. Hmmm but we both thought the tour was a bit boring .. We were expecting like maybe really traditional houses or maybe like “show” villages..

After about 1 hr it started pouring so we headed back to the resort and enjoyed the tea while waiting for Lars to return to tell us about his adventure on the elephant ride.. He came back after about 15mins and all drenched. He only saw 2 rhinos on the 2 hr ride so he didn’t enjoy it much. About 0730hrs dinner came, ate chatted for a while till about 2100hrs then headed back to the room to rest.. Not much “action” today… Maybe tomorrow… But got to know 2 nice ladies on this trip and got to know their stories…

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