Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 34 Chitwan to Varanasi – 1st August 2009

Night before was the same pouring so heavily the whole night, but at least we had the power thru out… we woked up about 0730hrs to shower and packed up to get ready for breakfast and to catch our bus to India border at 0930hrs..

Before we could finish packing the man came knock on our door to inform it was breakfast time… so we stopped halfway and went out at about 0800hrs and join Joanne for breakfast… Same breakfast omelet and fried potato and toast.. we hurried thru our breakfast and went back to pack our bags… Our clothes and shoes are still wet from day before.. sigh…

We quickly finish our packing headed back to the dining hall to settle our bill. Exchange our emails with Joanne and Christine and was on the push start jeep to the bus station… Arrived there in time for the busese bid our farewells to our new friends whom were heading to Pokhara or Kathmandu..

Got it the local bus and got ready for the extremely dreaded ride to the border… I could see in Ramli’s face that he extremely dreaded and can I say hated to take the bus again.. and for the both of us .. Back to India again.. AAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

As usual local bus it stop every few mins to pick up locals and all the way the same… Ramli was elbowed at his head, “armpit” on his shoulders…. I didn’t dare ask about it cause he might just explode as his facial expressions is clear enough of how frustrated he was… Finally finally we arrived 2km away from the border after about 4 hrs ride… It would have been faster if they didn’t stop… Sigh

Got off at the bus station and was pestered by the rickshaw riders… 150IRP to immigration office they shouted.. we just walked as we thought its very expensive for 2 km ride… 2 of them followed us and finally offered 100IRP each… ok what the heck… it is so hot so we got on and they rode us near the border and told Ramli it is better to get a taxi to Gorukhpur which we were suppose to go in India to try get our train tickets to Varanasi as we didn’t book in advance… Ramli got down and went to talk to the person about the taxi… Taxi to Gorukhpur costs 1300IRP he agreed as he didn’t want to take the local bus again for the time being… so we waited for the taxi to come .. we got in and the driver asked us to wait for 2 mins. So Ramli went to the money change to asked for the rate to change some Indian rupess.. it is 5 rupees more than what the taxi company offered. Luckily didn’t change with this dishonest man..

While I was waiting for Ramli in the taxi the driver came and asked if we were heading to Varanasi.. and I said yes.. He say , can take taxi to Varanasi … 7hrs… I asked the price and he said 3500IRP from Sonauli to Varanasi… so I confirmed with him again if we have to pay additional or minus 1300IRP which we had paid earlier… he said minus from there… so I went and informed Ramli… as we were really exhausted mentally and physically with the bus rides we had previously we just gave in to the call for some “luxury” … The driver seems very happy and brought along his son for the ride…

Eventhough the ride costs about USD78 for about 250kms ride. We thought it was needed to keep our sanity!! We didn’t know if we will get the train tickets or bus tickets in Gorukhpur and we didn’t want to stay a night as we have seen bad comments about this city on the net.. The most crappiest, dirtiest and noisiest city in India… we don’t want to experience it again at least for now…

We went on our way at about 1400hrs… the driver has a “thing” for his horns!! He kept pressing them and holding them for like 15secs each time.. and each interval is like 20secs away.. you could imagine how we felt.. the heat the never ending honking the dust from the road!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

We tried our best to keep our cool and just kept to ourselves through out the journey.. I think this is the time for us to stable down our selves… so many thoughts was running thru my head and I guess the same for Ramli… hours pass… honkings pass… at about 0930hrs we finally arrive in Varanasi city… Yahoo!! The driver brought us to a Hotel Surya… woa!! It looked all poshy and “atas” we told him we couldn’t afford this place but he kept insisting… We told him we wanted to go to another Hotel Alka which Joanne recommended to us.. She stayed there when she was in Varanasi just weeks ago… The driver didn’t give in insists we asked for a room..

Ramli went over to the reception and was glad to hear there isn’t any room !! but still the driver didn’t give up… went in and talk to them privately and came out to ask us to wait for 5 mins.. kept telling him we cant afford but seems he don’t understand. While waiting Ramli went and check on the internet for the address of Hotel Alka, came out with the number and address and told the driver to bring us.. Before he told us he didn’t know about this hotel but now he is saying to us there is no room.. Ermmm we think he should be getting commission from Hotel Surya.. I told Ramli try call to Hotel Alka and check.. so he and the driver went into the reception and borrowed the phone..

Luckily there was room so the driver had no choice but to bring us… After about 30mins of driving we finally arrived at the hotel after asking the locals and calling the hotel… The room with attached bathroom costs 750IRP a night… It was very clean so we just took it… We paid the driver the remaining fee and after counting he ask for “present” meaning tips… Ramli told him we have no money but he again seems not able to understand… stood there looking sad… we just ignored him, checked in the room and after a while he left.

We didn’t have any food since breakfast so we ordered chowmein from the hotel but noodles ran out so we had to eat fried rice… While waiting for the food, we both started talking about the day… I told Ramli luckily Joanne recommended this nice hotel if it was going to be a crappy dirty hotel.. I am so going to go mad… I rold him I need at least a clean and proper room to keep my sanity… causer I was thinking to myself if it is going to be a dirty room after the long ride I would want to go home the next day!!! He laughed at me..

But what he felt was worst, he said if he could he want to just get out of India tomorrow first thing into Pakistan.. He couldn’t take the honking, the dirt, the noise and everything about India… He HATES India and Nepal!! I told him Nepal is not so bad, just Kathmandu isn’t that pleasant…

Sigh hopefully both of us will be able to keep sane and persevere thru India… We still have like at least 10 days to go … We haven’t been to Agra, Delhi to get our Pakistan visa, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Rajasthan…

We need to chill…..

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