Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 66 Karimabad 2nd Sep 09

Felix and me was awoken at about 0330hrs by some singing from somewhere near the guesthouse. If got louder and louder so Felix got outside to the balcony and check where the singing came from. He came back and said it seems to be coming from the Masjid below and we figure out that they were singing some Sufi music.

I prepare to cook some instant noodle with our cooker, normally the water would boil within 5 mins. This time after 30mins nothing happen and time is running short till Fajr time. So we are some biscuits and apples which we bought the night before and waited and waited for the water to boil. But till about 0445hrs nothing happen.. Hmmm wonder if it is the voltage of the electricity or the cooker is not working.. So we gave up finally just drank water and have some more of the apples and biscuits. Felix went back to sleep while we waited for Subr time.

We got up about 0900hrs, everyone got their turn to bath in the stinky toilet and prepared ourselves to go visit the Baltit Fort. We slowly walk up the steep slopes upwards towards the fort which was overlooking Hunza Valley. It use to be the palace for the Aga Khan (King of Hunza) and his family. Arrived the entrance after about 40mins panting. Paid our entrance fee of Pkr400/pax = SGD7.00/pax and walked our way up to the Baltit Fort. It looks really cool from far but when you are near it isn’t as majestic. The structure resembles the Monasteries in Tibet..

Baltit Fort

Baltit Fort

Felix and me taking a rest after the steep climb

While we are walking in a guide came and told us that our ticket is inclusive of a guide. Alright so he led us thru the tiny door and thru the many rooms, jail cells and kitchens. The tour ended about 30mins later, all of us wasn’t impress at all… Just curious how can a Royal family of so many people stay in such a small place and they could even fit in jail cells and guard rooms. It is really weird.. We were thinking maybe the people 800 yrs ago are all really tiny…

the summer pavillion

We sat outside the fort discussing for a long time what to do next as we didn’t know the Baltit fort excursion would end so fast. Flipping and flipping thru the Lonely Planet finally we decided to go for the Channel walks. We followed the instructions on the guide and seems to get lost.. Saw 2 boys walking pass and so we asked them, they pointed us upwards and so we went. Along the way walking thru paths with many trees sheltering us from the sun. It was nice and pleasant day to go for a walk and enjoying the view of the valley. After about 20mins we still have not find the channels of water which we are suppose to find. Anyways we carry on walking and asking our way along the way. Everyone seems to be pointing to the same direction but we still couldn’t see it.

the 2 students with the son of their school teacher

the village boy playing with a huge scissors


On the way we saw a cow a few steps above us and Felix said oh my the cow just gave birth… Its disgusting I don’t want to look at it.. We were ermm how you know and he told us to look at the back of the cow which seems to have a umbilical cord still fresh with blood hanging out.. Yucks…. But me and Ramli was still very interested to check if what he said is true… And true enough there was a calf all wet and seems not able to stand up yet lying beside the cow. It was lying in a small puddle of blood…Ohhhh interesting we thought… Ramli took some pictures and we continued on our way.

The cow and new born calf all bloody

Ramli on the way up

After climbing upwards and still not able to find the channels we decided we just carry on walking enjoying the view and slowly head back to the guesthouse. It was a nice pleasant walk. On our way back to the guesthouse it started to rain so we went back to our rooms to hide from the cold and rain. I took a nap, Ramli and Felix read their books.

By the time everyone awoke it was about 1800hrs+, we did our prayers before heading out to get some supplies for our Sahur the next morning. And the main objective today is head to Café de Hunza to have the walnut cake and for the guys the long awaited cappuccino which is supposed to be nice as per the LP guide book.

We bought a loaf of bread, peanut butter, cheese and a small fruit cake for sahur. Than headed to the café and ordered 3 walnut cakes, 2 cappuccino and 1 black tea and waited for the adzan. Finally the time came and we all dig in and enjoyed the cake and tea and coffee very much. After we headed to Mulburry Inn for our dinner which we had ordered earlier in the evening. The restaurant was empty but they had already set up a table for the 3 of us. I ordered chicken chowmien, Ramli had chicken fried rice and Felix had some vege shoro… Our food came and me and Ramli just stared at each other cause our servings are like for 3 pax max… Felix serving was just nice and it looks like tacos…

Chatted and finished our dinner before heading back to the guesthouse in the cold cold night and rested for the day…

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