Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 81 Tashkent 17th Sep 09

We walked pass the reception area at about 0335hrs to get to the cafeteria at the basement. Saw the manager on duty at the counter and when he saw us he let out a hmm? We continued walking and was welcomed by a very nicely decorated café and one of the Russian looking boy was setting up the breakfast “feast” with his unbuttoned shirt with a singlet. He rush in and out of the kitchen putting plates of things on the small buffet table while we looked and waited for him to tell us to start eating..

After about 5mins the food was ready for us. They serve toasts and breads with sausages, ham and cheese. There are also corn flakes or muesli with yoghurt and not forgetting fruit juices and water or tea. We were helping ourselves when we heard someone greeting Salam from behind, we looked over to see a Iranian looking man heading towards as and we greeted back and headed to our table to have our food. After a while the small café was almost filled up with local guests but all of them men.. I was telling Ramli don’t women need to eat? Hehehhe We finished our food and went back to the room to wait for time to solat and went back to sleep again.

Awoke at about 0900hrs got ready and pack up our things to check out and head to look for the Turkmenistan embassy. We got some directions from the hotel manager and went out leaving our bags at the hotel. We started walking about 1000hrs up and down the same area asking directions from a few guys whom gave us a different direction each time. We even went into a travel agents office and they lady told us there isn’t any Turkmenistan embassy in Tashkent… We were puzzled but was sure there is one but just we didn’t know where and it was at a new building.

We carried on walking for about 1.5hrs and finally gave up and headed to the internet café to check our the address and same time to update our where about since we have not updated ourselves to our families for at least 10days or more. Internet connection was quite slow but we endured thru it and manage to update our FB and get the address to the new Turkmenistan embassy. We got some direction from the internet guy and thought we would find it. But after another 45mins or so we are still walking round and round the place without avail.. It was getting hotter under the midday sun and both of us is loosing hope and tired… While walking I asked Allah for directions and this time Allah really did help us immediately.. We were walking down the street when I saw a lady with someone who seems to be her dad walking pass us and I was thinking if they are really Koreans I could ask them where is the Korean embassy as we know that the Turk embassy is beside the Korean Embassy. I was listening to them while they walk pass if they were speaking Korean and was really happy to “hear” that they are Koreans and I approached the lady to asked if she knew where the Korean embassy was.. And YES!!! They knew where it was and they are heading that way and she told me she saw another embassy beside it but not sure which embassy was it..

I was so happy and delighted!!! Finally we are heading there with the help of Allah the almighty.. We walked along with them and arrived at the Turkmenistan embassy just 10mins away from the area we were walking round and round before… Thanked the Korean lady and headed to the security room to ask how we could apply for the visa. When we got there and were told that the embassy is open from 1100hrs to 1300hrs and to come back at 1700hrs when it will open again. Sigh … It was only 1300hrs so we decided to head back to Rovshan Hotel to get our bags and go look for Ali’s B&B and come back later.

We asked the help of the hotel to get us a cab to Ali B&B which still have rooms available at USD35/dbl rm and the taxi costs 3000cym = SGD2.70. We got there check in to the room which looks really homey… The room is equipped with TV and small fridge with 2 single beds a cupboard, dining table at the corner and a arm chair.. the floor was all carpeted and cozy… Ramli registered us to the hotel and asked the hotel owner’s son about the embassy. He told us we don’t need to go back today and should go only tomorrow. So we just rested in the hotel and waited for mahgrib to go for dinner.

Just about 10mins away from the hotel there is a small restaurant Lilli Akbar. We went there to be served by a Russian lady. I ordered Roast chicken with chips and Ramli had beef steak and also 2 salads. The restaurant was very simple with no decorations and cemented floor. The food was alright … We finished and headed back to the hotel and watch some music channels on TV and rested for the night…

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