Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 77 Kashgar 13th Sep 09

Today we overslept and didn’t wakeup on time for Sahur, by the time I woke up it is already 0559hrs and the sun is out. Went back to sleep and got up about 0830hrs to get ready for the long awaited Sunday market.

Went downstairs to check with the travel agent if he had any enquiry from other tourists about crossing the border to Kyrgystan but answer is negative. So we decided to check our chances on the International bus later.

Slowly walked to the Sunday bazaar wishing to see something interesting, but when we got there after walking about 45mins we were greeted by the same things and shops but with more local and tourists than the other day we went. There wasn’t anything interesting but still we walked around the bazaar hoping to see something new. Walking thru the crowds we see there are more hawkers and loads of shoes on sale. There were also baggers pushing their sick family member around begging for money. We donated what we could and continued walking about 1.5hours and only bought a pocket knife for Cny10 = SGD2 and left the bazaar as it was getting more and more crowded with the locals.

Walked back to the city with our tired feet and rested for 45mins before we continued to the supermarket to get shampoo. And right after we headed back to the hotel to confirm our transport with the travel agent to the border tomorrow morning. Got back to our room and watch Heroes on our laptop.

Finally time for buka and Ramli wanted to have the beef noodle for the last time before we leave Kashgar. Luckily the shop was still opened when we got there, we ordered the noodles both adding 2x beef…Waahahhahaha Finished the delicious beef noodle left While walking back to the hotel we bought 2 figs at the road side stall to try as we haven’t eaten fresh figs before. It tasted refreshing and nice…

Nothing much to do we continued watching Heroes and rested for the night…

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