Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 74 Tashkurgan 10th Sep 09

We got up when we got up today and went downstairs to check with the travel agent how we could arrange the transport to Kyrgystan on Monday. We chose to cross using the Irkesham pass which was a cheaper option as the Torugart pass would require permit and would costs about USD300 abv for 2 pax. The helpful guys told us we could take a international bus from Kashgar to Taskurgan to Osh which costs Cny470/pax = SGD94/pax for a 15-16hrs ride which is only available on Mondays and Thursdays. And most probably would get cancelled as most of the time they couldn’t get enough passengers to fill up the bus. Another option is to take a private car from Kashgar to the border for Cny540/car = SGD108/car and after crossing the border we could take a taxi that costs Cny300/taxi = SGD60/taxi to Osh. So now we know our options and told them we will go look for some other tourists outside to share the private car if we could and update them.

I think is Buckle Up

No Drink Driving???

How about do not drive when tired

Id Kah Mosque

So many hat shops

Which one would you like?

Today we plan to go to the Id Kah Mosque and the old city for some sight seeing. We walked about 20mins and arrived at the Id Kah Mosque area. This place looks like a Muslim town with the buildings mostly built with domes which look like mosques. This is a tourist area with many local souvenir stalls around and also camel and horse rides are available on the concrete floors.

Traditional dressing of the Uyghur man

Super Lamby stew with Rice

2 Little girls in the old city

Old city Mosque

Again we finished our tour within 1 hour after arrival and sat around people watching again. Most of the local men wore the traditional Uyghur hats and ladies wore tudongs just like the muslim ladies in Singapore.

Muslim men outside Id Kah Mosque

Waiting for someone ?

Old City Streets

Posting a letter to Mr Izar and Mdm Irma

There isn’t much for us to do, we sat around till evening and headed back to the city and look for dinner and went back to the hotel.

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