Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 67 Karimabad 3rd Sep 09

Again we were all awoken by the Sufi singing at 0330hrs, so I got up to try to boil some water on the cooker again so that we could have some hot tea. While the water was trying to boil we prepared our really dry and hard bread either with peanut butter or cheese according to individual preference. Cut up the fruit cake which tasted good… While all of us is trying our bests to swallow the bread the water finally started to boil.. Yahooo!! After 30mins or more… Finished our food and same thing Felix went to sleep while we waited for Subr…

We awoke about 0700hrs to check the weather as we planned to go climb 1000m to see Ultar Meadow with the beautiful icefall and the black pinnacle called Lady Finger at 6000m. But when we opened the door we were disappointed, it was raining and the sky is all cloudy and gloomy. We decided to wait a while more and went back to sleep. About 0800hrs we check again and it is still the same gloomy sky… Hmmmm so we decided to give up this idea and just chill in the room. Felix went out about 0930hrs to the internet café and we just continued to snooze…. And we continued snoozing till about 1400hrs before we finally got up to solat and than head out to collect our Hunza bread which we ordered the day before from a bakery at the bazaar.

It was still drizzling and so cold outside, we went to the bakery and collected our Hunza bread. First sight of the bread was impressive as how Carlos has described it to us.. We are looking forward to taste it tonight… After we slowly headed back and went to the internet café to check our mails etc..

Stayed there till about 1800hrs and went back to the room and snooze again.. Wahahahahha but all of us are looking forward for the Iftar Dinner buffet that we will be having at the Hunza Inn hotel. When the time came we went there and sat down at the beautiful restaurant. After the chef gave us the al la carte menu we felt there is something amiss.. We just casually turn the pages and decided to ask the chef if they had the buffet. As we suspected there isn’t enough guest for them to have the buffet.. Boohooo!! We just console ourselves that we are able to save the Pkr750/pax = SGD14/pax. So we walked out and decided to try the Hidden Paradise restaurant for Iftar.

the chicken soup with the huge wooden soup

hmm i think is not tasty

the fried potatoes.. .Tasty!!

Curry Chicken

Arrived there and ordered curry chicken with rice and fried potatoes. Felix ordered a local dish of spinach, potatoes and roti all mixed together. After about 30mins our food came and even though the curry chicken tasted different from the ones we are used to we still enjoy it. The fried potatoes was my favorite, the fry the potato whole and the outside is very crispy and inside all soft… Tasty!! Felix dinner didn’t taste so good for me and we could see that he isn’t enjoying but still he tried his best to eat as much as he could.

Night view from the terrace

Finished our dinner headed out to the cold street and slowly walked back to the guesthouse to rest for the night and await the next day to move on..

the 3 bed dorm

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