Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 75 & 76 Kashgar 11th till 12th Sep 09

Kashgar didn’t have much to offer so we didn’t do much these 2 days. We are only staying here cause we are waiting for the Sunday market. We have heard many nice things about this market so decided we had to go and not miss it.

Both days we just stayed in the hotel room and only went out in the evening to look for food. Nothing much was done and we couldn’t go any internet café as there isn’t service available as the Chinese government has banned it after the situation in Urumqi that happened in July.. Hmmm even international calls aren’t allowed..

Only significant thing which happen was when we tried to send our laundry to a local launderette near the hotel and was rejected after they checked a few pieces of our clothes.. We weighed our clothes and wanted to pay them Cny18 for 3.6kgs but was just plainly rejected… Don’t wash and both of them just look away from us… Both of us was really puzzled and left the place and didn’t had other choice but to send to the hotel launderette which we thought would be very expensive as they charge by per piece. But after collecting it back today it only costs us Cny50 = SGD10 which is considered cheap I guess..

Hmmm and today we had dinner at a local fast food restaurant called Dico’s which served fried chicken and chicken burgers and also chicken cutlets with rice..Even thought it was quite costly I felt it was worth it as I have been longing for some French fries since Delhi… Wahahahahahahha Oh and not forgetting we had beef noodle for the 2nd time the day before… kekekkeke

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